Interface IPrimaryProject

  • All Superinterfaces:
    IProject, Serviceable

    public interface IPrimaryProject
    extends IProject
    Represents a compound bundle of 'things' that are persisted as a whole. How this persistence works is entirely up to implementations. This interface is typically not directly implemented, but serves as the base class for other interfaces.
    • Method Detail

      • getProjects

        java.util.List<IAttachedProject> getProjects()
        Gets flat list of all IAttachedProject instances that are associated with a primary project.
        unmodifiable live list of IAttachedProject
      • close

        void close​(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
        Closes the underlying data store. After calling this method, callers should not perform any further operations on objects that were retrieved from this instance.
      • isClosed

        boolean isClosed()
        Gets the project state.
        true if closed.