Class DeprecatedRepresentationTextCreator

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class DeprecatedRepresentationTextCreator
    extends java.lang.Object
    Deprecated OpenApi methods of RepresentationTextCreator that should not be used any more
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeprecatedRepresentationTextCreator

        public DeprecatedRepresentationTextCreator()
    • Method Detail

      • getSlotTextBuilderFactory

        static java.util.function.Supplier<TextBuilder> getSlotTextBuilderFactory​(boolean showHTML,
                                                                                  boolean addColor)
      • getTaggedValueTextBuilderFactory

        static java.util.function.Supplier<TextBuilder> getTaggedValueTextBuilderFactory​(boolean showHTML,
                                                                                         boolean addColor)
      • createSlotText

        public static java.lang.String createSlotText​(Slot slot,
                                                      boolean showName,
                                                      boolean ignoreTrueValues,
                                                      boolean showHTML,
                                                      boolean showFeatureType,
                                                      boolean showFullType,
                                                      boolean addColorInformation,
                                                      boolean showEmptyValue,
                                                      boolean showQualifiedName)
        Returns string representation of given tag definition.
        slot - The given slot.
        showName - Is show name?
        ignoreTrueValues - Is ignore true values?
        showHTML - True for show htm
        showFeatureType - Is show feature type?
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        addColorInformation - True for set color.
        showEmptyValue - show empty value
        showQualifiedName - show qualified name
        The created string.
      • createSlotText

        public static java.lang.String createSlotText​(@Nonnull
                                                      Slot slot,
                                                      boolean showName,
                                                      boolean ignoreTrueValues,
                                                      boolean showHTML,
                                                      boolean showFeatureType,
                                                      boolean showFullType,
                                                      boolean showFeatureTypeTaggedValues,
                                                      boolean addColorInformation,
                                                      boolean showEmptyValue,
                                                      boolean showQualifiedName)
        Returns string representation of given tag definition.
        slot - The given slot.
        showName - Is show name?
        ignoreTrueValues - Is ignore true values?
        showHTML - True for show htm
        showFeatureType - Is show feature type?
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        showFeatureTypeTaggedValues - show feature type tagged values
        addColorInformation - True for set color.
        showEmptyValue - show empty value
        showQualifiedName - show qualified name
        The created string.
      • createSlotText

        public static java.lang.String createSlotText​(@Nonnull
                                                      Slot slot,
                                                      boolean showName,
                                                      boolean ignoreTrueValues,
                                                      boolean showHTML,
                                                      boolean showFeatureType,
                                                      boolean showFullType,
                                                      boolean showFeatureTypeTaggedValues,
                                                      boolean addColorInformation,
                                                      boolean showEmptyValue,
                                                      boolean showQualifiedName,
                                                      boolean showDerived)
        Returns string representation of given tag definition.
        slot - The given slot.
        showName - Is show name?
        ignoreTrueValues - Is ignore true values?
        showHTML - True for show htm
        showFeatureType - Is show feature type?
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        showFeatureTypeTaggedValues - show feature type tagged values
        addColorInformation - True for set color.
        showEmptyValue - show empty value
        showQualifiedName - show qualified name
        showDerived - if true returned string will be calculated as derived if possible
        The created string.
      • createSlotText

        public static java.lang.String createSlotText​(Slot slot,
                                                      boolean showName,
                                                      boolean ignoreTrueValues,
                                                      boolean showHTML,
                                                      boolean showFeatureType,
                                                      boolean showFullType,
                                                      boolean showFeatureTypeTaggedValues,
                                                      boolean addColorInformation,
                                                      boolean showEmptyValue,
                                                      boolean showQualifiedName,
                                                      boolean showDerived,
                                                      boolean forEditing,
                                                      boolean colorUnitSymbols,
                                                      boolean colorTag)
        Returns string representation of given tag definition.
        slot - The given slot.
        showName - Is show name?
        ignoreTrueValues - Is ignore true values?
        showHTML - True for show htm
        showFeatureType - Is show feature type?
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        showFeatureTypeTaggedValues - show feature type tagged values
        addColorInformation - True for set color.
        showEmptyValue - show empty value
        showQualifiedName - show qualified name
        showDerived - if true returned string will be calculated as derived if possible
        forEditing - flag to indicate that we need text for editing, so no additional text providers will be used
        colorUnitSymbols - flag to indicate if we need to use color for additional text providers, we can't use addColorInformation, as we use same provider for instances that don't have color information property
        colorTag - indicates if we need color tag or font color tag if we use in additional text providers
        The created string.
      • createId

        public static java.lang.String createId​(Element e,
                                                boolean addColor)
        Create the id (number) to be prepended to the text representation of the element
        e - the element
        addColor - if true wrap in grey color tags
        the auto id (with space at the end) or empty string if number is not available
      • createBehaviorText

        public static java.lang.String createBehaviorText​(Behavior behavior,
                                                          boolean showStereotype,
                                                          boolean showProperties,
                                                          boolean showInheritedSign,
                                                          boolean showSignature,
                                                          boolean showFullType,
                                                          boolean showConstraintName,
                                                          boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                          boolean addColorInformation,
                                                          boolean showParameterDirectionKind)
        Creates behavior text.
        behavior - behavior to represent.
        showStereotype - indicates if stereotypes should be displayed.
        showProperties - indicates if properties and tagged values should be displayed.
        showInheritedSign - indicates if inherited sign should be displayed.
        showSignature - indicates if behavior signature should be displayed.
        showFullType - indicates if full qualified type name should be displayed.
        showConstraintName - indicates if constraint name should be displayed.
        showConstraintExpression - indicates if constraint expression should be displayed.
        addColorInformation - indicates if color information should be added to the representation text.
        showParameterDirectionKind - indicates if parameter direction kind should be displayed.
        behavior text.
      • createBehaviorText

        public static java.lang.String createBehaviorText​(Behavior behavior,
                                                          boolean showStereotype,
                                                          boolean showProperties,
                                                          boolean showInheritedSign,
                                                          boolean showSignature,
                                                          boolean showFullType,
                                                          boolean showConstraintName,
                                                          boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                          boolean addColorInformation,
                                                          boolean showParameterDirectionKind,
                                                          boolean showOpaqueBehaviorBody)
        Creates behavior text.
        behavior - behavior to represent.
        showStereotype - indicates if stereotypes should be displayed.
        showProperties - indicates if properties and tagged values should be displayed.
        showInheritedSign - indicates if inherited sign should be displayed.
        showSignature - indicates if behavior signature should be displayed.
        showFullType - indicates if full qualified type name should be displayed.
        showConstraintName - indicates if constraint name should be displayed.
        showConstraintExpression - indicates if constraint expression should be displayed.
        addColorInformation - indicates if color information should be added to the representation text.
        showParameterDirectionKind - indicates if parameter direction kind should be displayed.
        showOpaqueBehaviorBody - indicates if opaque behavior body should be displayed
        behavior text.
      • createBehaviorText

        public static java.lang.String createBehaviorText​(Behavior behavior,
                                                          boolean showStereotype,
                                                          boolean showProperties,
                                                          boolean showTaggedValues,
                                                          boolean showInheritedSign,
                                                          boolean showSignature,
                                                          boolean showFullType,
                                                          boolean showConstraintName,
                                                          boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                          boolean addColorInformation,
                                                          boolean showParameterDirectionKind,
                                                          boolean showOpaqueBehaviorBody)
        Creates behavior text.
        behavior - behavior to represent.
        showStereotype - indicates if stereotypes should be displayed.
        showProperties - indicates if properties and tagged values should be displayed.
        showInheritedSign - indicates if inherited sign should be displayed.
        showSignature - indicates if behavior signature should be displayed.
        showFullType - indicates if full qualified type name should be displayed.
        showConstraintName - indicates if constraint name should be displayed.
        showConstraintExpression - indicates if constraint expression should be displayed.
        addColorInformation - indicates if color information should be added to the representation text.
        showParameterDirectionKind - indicates if parameter direction kind should be displayed.
        showOpaqueBehaviorBody - indicates if opaque behavior body should be displayed
        behavior text.
      • createStateText

        public static java.lang.String createStateText​(State state)
        Creates state name text. It appends SubMachine name if available.
        state - the state to create text for.
        string containing state name ad SubMachine name
      • createStereotypesText

        public static java.lang.String createStereotypesText​(java.util.Collection<Stereotype> stereotypes,
                                                             char separator,
                                                             boolean skipDSL,
                                                             boolean useAlias)
        Returns string representation of given.
        stereotypes - the collection of stereotypes.
        separator - the separator of stereotypes
        skipDSL - skip DSL stereotypes or nor
        useAlias - use DSL alias instead of name
        The created string.
      • createStereotypesText

        public static java.lang.String createStereotypesText​(Element element,
                                                             char separator,
                                                             boolean skipDSL,
                                                             boolean useAlias)
        Create the representation text of element be assigned stereotype.
        element - The given element.
        separator - The separator string.
        skipDSL - skip DSL stereotypes or nor
        useAlias - use DSL alias instead of name
        The string representation.
      • createPropertyPropertyStringText

        public static void createPropertyPropertyStringText​(Property property,
                                                            java.lang.StringBuffer text)
        use ModelTextCreatorInternal.appendPropertyPropertyStringText(Property, TextBuilder)
      • createPropertyPropertyStringText

        public static void createPropertyPropertyStringText​(Property property,
                                                            java.lang.StringBuffer text,
                                                            java.lang.String separator)
        use ModelTextCreatorInternal.appendPropertyPropertyStringText(Property, TextBuilder, String)
      • createOperationText

        public static java.lang.String createOperationText​(Operation operation,
                                                           boolean showParameters,
                                                           boolean showVisibility,
                                                           boolean showFullType,
                                                           boolean showStereotype,
                                                           boolean showProperties,
                                                           boolean showConstraintName,
                                                           boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                           boolean showParameterDirection,
                                                           boolean addColorInformation,
                                                           boolean showTemplateParameters)
        Constructs operation representation text.
        operation - operation which text will be created.
        showParameters - flag indicates if operation parameters should be shown.
        showVisibility - flag indicates if operation visibility should be shown.
        showFullType - true for show full type
        showStereotype - show stereotype
        showProperties - show properties
        showConstraintName - show constraint name
        showConstraintExpression - show constraint expression
        showParameterDirection - show parameter direction
        addColorInformation - add color
        showTemplateParameters -
        method text string.
      • createOperationText

        public static java.lang.String createOperationText​(Operation operation,
                                                           boolean showSignature,
                                                           boolean showVisibility,
                                                           boolean showFullType,
                                                           boolean showStereotype,
                                                           boolean showProperties,
                                                           boolean showConstraintName,
                                                           boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                           boolean showParameterDirection,
                                                           boolean addColorInformation,
                                                           boolean showTemplateParameters,
                                                           boolean showParameterDefaultValue)
        Constructs representation operation text.
        operation - operation which text will be created.
        showSignature - flag indicates if method parameters should be shown.
        showVisibility - flag indicates if method visibility should be shown.
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        showStereotype - show stereotype
        showProperties - show properties
        showConstraintName - show constraint name
        showConstraintExpression - show constraint expression
        showParameterDirection - show parameter direction kind
        addColorInformation - add color
        showTemplateParameters - indicates if template parameters should be shown.
        showParameterDefaultValue - indicates if parameter default values should be shown.
        method text string.
      • createOperationText

        public static java.lang.String createOperationText​(Operation operation,
                                                           boolean showSignature,
                                                           boolean showVisibility,
                                                           boolean showFullType,
                                                           boolean showStereotype,
                                                           boolean showProperties,
                                                           boolean showConstraintName,
                                                           boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                           boolean showParameterDirection,
                                                           boolean addColorInformation,
                                                           boolean showTemplateParameters,
                                                           boolean showParameterDefaultValue,
                                                           boolean showInheritedSign)
        Constructs representation operation text.
        operation - operation which text will be created.
        showSignature - flag indicates if method parameters should be shown.
        showVisibility - flag indicates if method visibility should be shown.
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        showStereotype - show stereotype
        showProperties - show properties
        showConstraintName - show constraint name
        showConstraintExpression - show constraint expression
        showParameterDirection - show parameter direction kind
        addColorInformation - add color
        showTemplateParameters - indicates if template parameters should be shown.
        showParameterDefaultValue - indicates if parameter default values should be shown.
        showInheritedSign - show inherited sign
        method text string.
      • createOperationText

        public static java.lang.String createOperationText​(Operation operation,
                                                           boolean showParameters,
                                                           boolean showVisibility,
                                                           boolean showFullType,
                                                           boolean showStereotype,
                                                           boolean showProperties,
                                                           boolean showTaggedValues,
                                                           boolean showConstraintName,
                                                           boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                           boolean showParameterDirection,
                                                           boolean addColorInformation,
                                                           boolean showTemplateParameters,
                                                           boolean showParameterDefaultValue,
                                                           boolean showInheritedSign)
        Constructs operation representation text.
        operation - operation which text will be created.
        showParameters - flag indicates if operation parameters should be shown.
        showVisibility - flag indicates if operation visibility should be shown.
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        showStereotype - show stereotype
        showProperties - show properties
        showConstraintName - show constraint name
        showConstraintExpression - show constraint expression
        showParameterDirection - show parameter direction kind
        addColorInformation - add color
        showTemplateParameters - indicates if template parameters should be shown.
        showParameterDefaultValue - indicates if parameter default values should be shown.
        showInheritedSign - show inherited sign
        method text string.
      • createParameterText

        public static java.lang.String createParameterText​(Parameter parameter,
                                                           boolean showFullType,
                                                           boolean showParameterDirection,
                                                           boolean addColorInformation)
        Creates text which represents parameter. for example "param : java::lang::String"
        parameter - parameter which text will be created.
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        showParameterDirection - show parameter direction
        addColorInformation - add color
        Created text
      • createActivityParameterNodeText

        public static java.lang.String createActivityParameterNodeText​(ActivityParameterNode parameter,
                                                                       boolean showFullType,
                                                                       boolean addColorInformation)
        Creates text which represents activity parameter node. for example "param : java::lang::String"
        parameter - parameter which text will be created.
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        addColorInformation - indicates if color information should be added to the parameter text.
        Created text
      • createReceptionText

        public static java.lang.String createReceptionText​(Reception reception,
                                                           boolean showSignature,
                                                           boolean showVisibility,
                                                           boolean showFullType,
                                                           boolean showStereotype,
                                                           boolean showProperties,
                                                           boolean showConstraintName,
                                                           boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                           boolean showParameterDirection,
                                                           boolean addColorInformation)
        Constructs reception representation text.
        reception - reception which text will be created.
        showSignature - flag indicates if method parameters should be shown.
        showVisibility - flag indicates if method visibility should be shown.
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        showStereotype - show stereotypes
        showProperties - show properties
        showConstraintName - show constraint name
        showConstraintExpression - show constraint expression
        showParameterDirection - show parameter direction
        addColorInformation - add color
        reception representation text
      • createReceptionText

        public static java.lang.String createReceptionText​(Reception reception,
                                                           boolean showSignature,
                                                           boolean showVisibility,
                                                           boolean showFullType,
                                                           boolean showStereotype,
                                                           boolean showProperties,
                                                           boolean showConstraintName,
                                                           boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                           boolean showParameterDirection,
                                                           boolean showInheritedSign,
                                                           boolean addColorInformation)
        Constructs reception representation text.
        reception - reception which text will be created.
        showSignature - flag indicates if method parameters should be shown.
        showVisibility - flag indicates if method visibility should be shown.
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        showStereotype - show stereotypes
        showProperties - show properties
        showConstraintName - show constraint name
        showConstraintExpression - show constraint expression
        showParameterDirection - show parameter direction
        showInheritedSign - show inherited sign
        addColorInformation - add color
        reception representation text
      • createReceptionText

        public static java.lang.String createReceptionText​(Reception reception,
                                                           boolean showSignature,
                                                           boolean showVisibility,
                                                           boolean showFullType,
                                                           boolean showStereotype,
                                                           boolean showProperties,
                                                           boolean showTaggedValues,
                                                           boolean showConstraintName,
                                                           boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                           boolean showParameterDirection,
                                                           boolean showInheritedSign,
                                                           boolean addColorInformation)
        Constructs reception representation text.
        reception - reception which text will be created.
        showSignature - flag indicates if method parameters should be shown.
        showVisibility - flag indicates if method visibility should be shown.
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        showStereotype - show stereotypes
        showProperties - show properties
        showConstraintName - show constraint name
        showConstraintExpression - show constraint expression
        showParameterDirection - show parameter direction
        showInheritedSign - show inherited sign
        addColorInformation - add color
        reception representation text
      • createEnumerationLiteralText

        public static java.lang.String createEnumerationLiteralText​(EnumerationLiteral enumLiteral,
                                                                    boolean showStereotype,
                                                                    boolean showProperties,
                                                                    boolean showConstraintName,
                                                                    boolean showConstraintExpression)
        Constructs enumeration literal text.
        enumLiteral - EnumerationLiteral
        showStereotype - True, for show stereotype
        showProperties - True, for show properties
        showConstraintName - show constraint name
        showConstraintExpression - show constraint expression
      • createEnumerationLiteralText

        public static java.lang.String createEnumerationLiteralText​(EnumerationLiteral enumLiteral,
                                                                    boolean showStereotype,
                                                                    boolean showProperties,
                                                                    boolean showConstraintName,
                                                                    boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                                    boolean showInheritedSign)
        Constructs enumeration literal text.
        enumLiteral - EnumerationLiteral
        showStereotype - True, for show stereotype
        showProperties - True, for show properties
        showConstraintName - show constraint name
        showConstraintExpression - show constraint expression
        showInheritedSign - show inherited sign
      • createEnumerationLiteralText

        public static java.lang.String createEnumerationLiteralText​(EnumerationLiteral enumLiteral,
                                                                    boolean showStereotype,
                                                                    boolean showProperties,
                                                                    boolean showTaggedValues,
                                                                    boolean showConstraintName,
                                                                    boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                                    boolean showInheritedSign)
        Constructs enumeration literal text.
        enumLiteral - EnumerationLiteral
        showStereotype - True, for show stereotype
        showProperties - True, for show properties
        showTaggedValues - True, for show tagged values
        showConstraintName - show constraint name
        showConstraintExpression - show constraint expression
        showInheritedSign - show inherited sign
      • createEnumerationLiteralText

        public static java.lang.String createEnumerationLiteralText​(EnumerationLiteral enumLiteral,
                                                                    boolean showStereotype,
                                                                    boolean showProperties,
                                                                    boolean showTaggedValues,
                                                                    boolean showConstraintName,
                                                                    boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                                    boolean showInheritedSign,
                                                                    boolean addColorInformation)
        Constructs enumeration literal text.
        enumLiteral - EnumerationLiteral
        showStereotype - True, for show stereotype
        showProperties - True, for show properties
        showTaggedValues - True, for show tagged values
        showConstraintName - show constraint name
        showConstraintExpression - show constraint expression
        showInheritedSign - show inherited sign
      • createTemplateParametersText

        public static java.lang.String createTemplateParametersText​(java.util.Collection templateParameters,
                                                                    java.lang.String separator)
        Create the Template Parameters Text.
        templateParameters - The given TemplateParameters.
        separator - The text separator
      • createTemplateBindingText

        public static java.lang.String createTemplateBindingText​(TemplateBinding binding)
        Constructs given binding element text.
        binding - The given binding.
        The created string.
      • createTemplateBindingText

        public static java.lang.String createTemplateBindingText​(TemplateBinding binding,
                                                                 boolean attachTemplateParameterInfo)
        Constructs given binding element text.
        binding - The given binding.
        attachTemplateParameterInfo - indicates if full template parameter notation should be used.
        The created string.
      • createPropertyText

        public static java.lang.String createPropertyText​(Property property,
                                                          boolean showName,
                                                          boolean showType,
                                                          boolean showVisibility,
                                                          boolean showFullType,
                                                          boolean showInitValue,
                                                          boolean showStereotype,
                                                          boolean showProperties,
                                                          boolean showConstraints,
                                                          boolean showMultiplicity,
                                                          boolean addColorInformation)
        Constructs attribute view text.
        property - attribute which text will be created.
        showName - show name
        showType - show type
        showVisibility - flag indicates if method visibility should be shown.
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        showInitValue - indicates if initial value of attribute will be shown. @return attribute view text string.
        showStereotype - show stereotype
        showProperties - show properties
        showConstraints - show constraints
        showMultiplicity - show multiplicity
        addColorInformation - add color
        property text
      • createPropertyText

        public static java.lang.String createPropertyText​(Property property,
                                                          boolean showName,
                                                          boolean showType,
                                                          boolean showVisibility,
                                                          boolean showFullType,
                                                          boolean showInitValue,
                                                          boolean showStereotype,
                                                          boolean showProperties,
                                                          boolean showTypeTaggedValues,
                                                          boolean showConstraintName,
                                                          boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                          boolean showMultiplicity,
                                                          boolean addColorInformation)
        Constructs attribute view text.
        property - attribute which text will be created.
        showName - show name
        showType - show type
        showVisibility - flag indicates if method visibility should be shown.
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        showInitValue - indicates if initial value of attribute will be shown. @return attribute view text string.
        showStereotype - show stereotypes
        showProperties - show properties
        showTypeTaggedValues - show tagged values
        showConstraintName - show constraint name
        showConstraintExpression - show constraint expression
        showMultiplicity - show multiplicity
        addColorInformation - add color
      • createPropertyText

        public static java.lang.String createPropertyText​(Property property,
                                                          boolean showName,
                                                          boolean showType,
                                                          boolean showDerived,
                                                          boolean showVisibility,
                                                          boolean showFullType,
                                                          boolean showInitValue,
                                                          boolean showStereotype,
                                                          boolean showProperties,
                                                          boolean showTypeTaggedValues,
                                                          boolean showConstraintName,
                                                          boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                          boolean showMultiplicity,
                                                          boolean addColorInformation)
        Constructs attribute view text.
        property - attribute which text will be created.
        showName - show name
        showType - show type
        showDerived - show derived sign
        showVisibility - flag indicates if method visibility should be shown.
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        showInitValue - indicates if initial value of attribute will be shown. @return attribute view text string.
        showStereotype - show stereotypes
        showProperties - show properties
        showTypeTaggedValues - show tagged values
        showConstraintName - show constraint name
        showConstraintExpression - show constraint expression
        showMultiplicity - show multiplicity
        addColorInformation - add color
      • createPropertyText

        public static java.lang.String createPropertyText​(Property property,
                                                          boolean showName,
                                                          boolean showType,
                                                          boolean showDerived,
                                                          boolean showVisibility,
                                                          boolean showFullType,
                                                          boolean showInitValue,
                                                          boolean showStereotype,
                                                          boolean showProperties,
                                                          boolean showTypeTaggedValues,
                                                          boolean showConstraintName,
                                                          boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                          boolean showMultiplicity,
                                                          boolean showInheritedSign,
                                                          boolean addColorInformation)
        Constructs attribute view text.
        property - attribute which text will be created.
        showName - show name
        showType - show type
        showDerived - show derived sign
        showVisibility - flag indicates if method visibility should be shown.
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        showInitValue - indicates if initial value of attribute will be shown. @return attribute view text string.
        showStereotype - show stereotypes
        showProperties - show properties
        showTypeTaggedValues - show tagged values
        showConstraintName - show constraint name
        showConstraintExpression - show constraint expression
        showMultiplicity - show multiplicity
        showInheritedSign - show inherited sign
        addColorInformation - add color
      • createPropertyText

        public static java.lang.String createPropertyText​(Property property,
                                                          boolean showName,
                                                          boolean showType,
                                                          boolean showDerived,
                                                          boolean showVisibility,
                                                          boolean showFullType,
                                                          boolean showInitValue,
                                                          boolean showStereotype,
                                                          boolean showProperties,
                                                          boolean showTaggedValues,
                                                          boolean showTypeTaggedValues,
                                                          boolean showConstraintName,
                                                          boolean showConstraintExpression,
                                                          boolean showMultiplicity,
                                                          boolean showInheritedSign,
                                                          boolean addColorInformation)
        Constructs attribute view text.
        property - attribute which text will be created.
        showName - show name
        showType - show type
        showDerived - show derived sign
        showVisibility - flag indicates if method visibility should be shown.
        showFullType - True for show full type.
        showInitValue - indicates if initial value of attribute will be shown. @return attribute view text string.
        showStereotype - show stereotypes
        showProperties - show properties
        showTypeTaggedValues - show tagged values
        showConstraintName - show constraint name
        showConstraintExpression - show constraint expression
        showMultiplicity - show multiplicity
        showInheritedSign - show inherited sign
        addColorInformation - add color
      • getPureTextFromColoredText

        public static java.lang.String getPureTextFromColoredText​(java.lang.String coloredText)
      • isAddColor

        public boolean isAddColor()
        text creation parameters should now be set in RepresentationTextParams and passed as argument for methods when retrieving text
        always returns false
      • setAddColor

        public void setAddColor​(boolean addColor)
        text creation parameters should now be set in RepresentationTextParams and passed as argument for methods when retrieving text
        Method has no impact, does not set the value
      • setLocationInTool

        public void setLocationInTool​(LocationInTool locationInTool)
        text creation parameters should now be set in RepresentationTextParams and passed as argument for methods when retrieving text
        Method has no impact, does not set the value
      • isShowFullType

        public boolean isShowFullType()
        text creation parameters should now be set in RepresentationTextParams and passed as argument for methods when retrieving text
        always returns false
      • setShowFullType

        public void setShowFullType​(boolean value)
        text creation parameters should now be set in RepresentationTextParams and passed as argument for methods when retrieving text
        Method has no impact, does not set the value
      • createElementNameText

        public static java.lang.String createElementNameText​(@CheckForNull
                                                             Element o)