Interface Browser.BrowserInitializer

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface Browser.BrowserInitializer
    Browser initializer is an extension point for browser creation. It may be used for adding new trees of panels into the browser. It can be used for removing existing trees also. In such case initializer should return null as WindowComponentInfoRegistration.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(Browser browser,
                  Project project)
        Init the browser. This method will be called during browser initialization. Implemented classes may add additional trees or panels into the browser using Browser.addTree() or Browser.addPanel(). Existing trees can be removed in this method also
        browser - the given browser
        project - current project
      • getInfo

        Browser.BrowserInitializer.WindowComponentInfoRegistration getInfo()
        Provide info for a new browser tree. This method is called during application startup and supposes return the same info as used during tree creation in let's say init() method.
        browser component info or null