Class DisplayPathElements

  • @OpenApiAll
    public class DisplayPathElements
    extends java.lang.Object

    Provides API to the display connected path elements in the diagram.

    Example: Displaying related generalizations and interface realizations

     SessionManager sessionManager = SessionManager.getInstance();
     sessionManager.createSession(project, "Display paths");
     PresentationElement view = ...; // A symbol for which you want to display paths
     //For multiple symbol to display paths use the code below
     List<PresentationElement> viewList = ...; //List of symbols for which you need to invoke the displaying paths action.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DisplayPathElements

        public DisplayPathElements()
    • Method Detail

      • displayPathElements

        public static java.util.Collection<PresentationElement> displayPathElements​(java.util.Collection<PresentationElement> symbols)
        Display paths from the given symbols.
        symbols - given symbols. All symbols should be from the same diagram