Class MagicDrawProgressStatusRunner

    • Constructor Detail

      • MagicDrawProgressStatusRunner

        public MagicDrawProgressStatusRunner()
    • Method Detail

      • runWithProgressStatus

        public static void runWithProgressStatus​(RunnableWithProgress runnable,
                                                 java.lang.String description,
                                                 boolean allowCancel,
                                                 int millisToShow)
        Executes runnable with progress status. MagicDraw UI environment is locked (not updated) during execution, it is updated when task finishes. All runtime exceptions from runnable are thrown from this method.
        runnable - runnable actually performing the task
        description - title of progress bar
        allowCancel - true if cancel should be enabled
        millisToShow - amount of time before progress is displayed. Pass 0 if progress should be displayed without delay
        See Also:
        RunnableWithProgress, ProgressStatus
      • runWithProgressStatus

        public static void runWithProgressStatus​(Project project,
                                                 RunnableWithProgress runnable,
                                                 java.lang.String description,
                                                 boolean allowCancel,
                                                 int millisToShow)
        Executes runnable with progress status. MagicDraw UI environment is locked (not updated) during execution, diagrams in the given project are not repainted. Everything is updated when task finishes. All runtime exceptions from runnable are thrown from this method.
        project - active project
        runnable - runnable actually performing the task
        description - title of progress bar
        allowCancel - true if cancel should be enabled
        millisToShow - amount of time before progress is displayed. Pass 0 if progress should be displayed without delay
        See Also:
        RunnableWithProgress, ProgressStatus