Interface ElementTransformation

  • @OpenApiAll
    public interface ElementTransformation
    Performs transformation for given model element using the provided VariationPoint to know how to transform
    • Method Detail

      • canTransform

        boolean canTransform​(VariationPoint variationPoint)
        variationPoint - defines element and its feature that is being transformed
        true if this transformation object should be used to transform the given variationPoint
      • transform

        default boolean transform​(VariationPoint variationPoint)
        use com.nomagic.magicdraw.variants.transformation.ElementTransformation#transform(com.nomagic.magicdraw.variants.variationpoints.VariationPoint, com.nomagic.magicdraw.variants.transformation.TransformationParameters)
        Changes the model element. Change and element are described by the provided variation point. This method is always called in an open session.
        variationPoint - defines feature of the element that is being transformed
        true if variation point was transformed, false if transformation failed for any reason. Failure details should be at least printed to MDLog
      • transform

        default boolean transform​(VariationPoint variationPoint,
                                  TransformationParameters parameters)
        Changes the model element. Change and element are described by the provided variation point. This method is always called in an open session.
        variationPoint - defines feature of the element that is being transformed
        parameters - additional transformation parameters
        true if variation point was transformed, false if transformation failed for any reason. Failure details should be at least printed to MDLog