Interface DependencyExtractor

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface DependencyExtractor
    extends SmartListenerConfigProvider
    Dependency extractors are used in Dependency Matrix to extract dependencies between two elements. Additionally they may provide element smart listener configurations, navigation menu items.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(PersistenceManager settings,
                  ProgressStatus status)
        This method is called when matrix settings are changed and whole matrix is being rebuilt. This way we can use it to update internal extractor settings according to new Dependency Matrix settings
        settings - current matrix settings
        status - progress status
      • getDependencies

        default java.util.Collection<DependencyEntry> getDependencies​(ElementNode row,
                                                                      ElementNode column)
        Extract and return dependencies between those two row and column elements which are used in creating new matrix cell
        row - row element
        column - column element
        list of extracted dependencies
      • createNavigationActions

        default void createNavigationActions​(PersistenceManager persistenceManager,
                                             ElementNode row,
                                             ElementNode column,
                                             AbstractMatrixCell value,
                                             ActionsCategory navigateCategory)
        Creates navigation actions for the dependencies created with this extractor
        persistenceManager - matrix settings
        row - row element
        column - column element
        value - cell value
        navigateCategory - navigate category from the right click
      • elementUpdated

        void elementUpdated​(java.util.Collection<Element> element)
        This element properties have been changed according to registered smart listeners. This method may be left empty, unless there are some cache or data structures which should be created on such event
        element - updated elements
      • clear

        void clear()
        Method clearing up all used resources and memory.