Interface INumberingAction

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractionNumbering, com.nomagic.magicdraw.autoid.AbstractRelationshipNumbering, AggregationCompositionNumbering, ComponentRealizationNumbering, DependencyNumbering, DeploymentNumbering, DirectedAssociationNumbering, DirectedRelationshipNumbering, ElementImportNumbering, ExtendNumbering, GeneralizationNumbering, IncludeNumbering, InformationFlowNumbering, InterfaceRealizationNumbering, ManifestationNumbering, PackageImportNumbering, PackageMergeNumbering, ProfileApplicationNumbering, ProtocolConformanceNumbering, RealizationNumbering, SubstitutionNumbering, TemplateBindingNumbering, UsageNumbering

@OpenApiAll public interface INumberingAction
If this Interface is implemented for an Expression NumberPart then, the whole of the Framework will be ignored and this class will have to take care of the complete numbering of all the elements that will be customized with this Expression <> If this INumberingAction will be found in a NumberingScheme nothing will be generated by the AutoNumbering framework. Only the ids that are returned from the 'generateIds' method will be registered and set at the appropriate point. Jun 24, 2011
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Generate a unique ID for the given elements These IDs will then be registered and set in the element by the NumberingFramework
  • Method Details

    • generateIds

      Map<Element,String> generateIds(List<Element> elements, NumberingInfo nInfo)
      Generate a unique ID for the given elements These IDs will then be registered and set in the element by the NumberingFramework
      elements - a list of elements to be numbered
      nInfo - encapsulates information as found in the corresponding autoNumber and numberingScheme objects
      the id generated for this element