Class MagicDrawProfile.InstanceTableStereotype

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String SHOWUNITSONCOLUMN
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SHOWUNITSONVALUES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ADDITIONALELEMENTS
        Additional elements field specifies the elements that are included into the table regardless of the scope.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DEFAULTROWELEMENTSOWNER
        The default owner for an element represented by a newly added table row.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String EXCLUDEDELEMENTS
        Excluded elements field specifies the list of elements that are not included into the table even if they are present in the scope.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String INCLUDEADDITIONALCONTENT
        Select to include additional content of elements (e.g., Smart Package) that fall within the specified scope.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String INCLUDECUSTOMTYPESOFROWTYPES
        Select to include the custom types that extend the specified row element types. For example, if you specify a Package as a row element type, the custom types, such as a Smart Package, extending the Package will also be included.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String INCLUDESUBTYPESOFROWTYPES
        Select to include the subtypes of the specified row element types. For example, if you specify a Package as a row element type, its subtypes, such as a Model and Profile, will also be included.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LIMITROWHEIGHT
        Select to limit the row height to 10 element values or plain text lines per cell.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LOADPARTIALLY
        Select to calculate and represent data only in visible cells.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • QUERY

        public static final java.lang.String QUERY
        Specify the expression to collect row elements.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ROWELEMENTTYPE
        Select the type of elements to be shown as row elements.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SCOPE

        public static final java.lang.String SCOPE
        All the model elements of the suitable type, contained in the scope are included into the table. When more elements are added to the scope they are automatically added to the table.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SHOWDETAILEDCOLUMNNAME
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SHOWELEMENTNUMBER
        Set to true to display element number in the name column.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SHOWELEMENTTYPE
        Set to true to show the element type specification box in the criteria area of the table.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SHOWSCOPEASROOT
        Set to true to show scope as a root node in tree display mode.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • WRAPTEXT

        public static final java.lang.String WRAPTEXT
        Select to wrap long text.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • classifiers

        private Property classifiers
      • showUnitsOnColumn

        private Property showUnitsOnColumn
      • showUnitsOnValues

        private Property showUnitsOnValues
    • Constructor Detail

      • InstanceTableStereotype

        protected InstanceTableStereotype​(MagicDrawProfile profile)
    • Method Detail

      • getClassifiersProperty

        public Property getClassifiersProperty()
      • getShowUnitsOnColumnProperty

        public Property getShowUnitsOnColumnProperty()
      • getShowUnitsOnValuesProperty

        public Property getShowUnitsOnValuesProperty()
      • getAdditionalElementsProperty

        public Property getAdditionalElementsProperty()
      • getColumnElementsProperty

        public Property getColumnElementsProperty()
      • getColumnIdsProperty

        public Property getColumnIdsProperty()
      • getColumnWidthProperty

        public Property getColumnWidthProperty()
      • getCustomColumnsProperty

        public Property getCustomColumnsProperty()
      • getDefaultRowElementsOwnerProperty

        public Property getDefaultRowElementsOwnerProperty()
      • getDescriptionAreaProperty

        public Property getDescriptionAreaProperty()
      • getDisplayModeProperty

        public Property getDisplayModeProperty()
      • getExcludedElementsProperty

        public Property getExcludedElementsProperty()
      • getExpandedRowsProperty

        public Property getExpandedRowsProperty()
      • getHideColumnsProperty

        public Property getHideColumnsProperty()
      • getIncludeAdditionalContentProperty

        public Property getIncludeAdditionalContentProperty()
      • getIncludeCustomTypesOfRowTypesProperty

        public Property getIncludeCustomTypesOfRowTypesProperty()
      • getIncludeSubtypesOfRowTypesProperty

        public Property getIncludeSubtypesOfRowTypesProperty()
      • getLegendsProperty

        public Property getLegendsProperty()
      • getLimitRowHeightProperty

        public Property getLimitRowHeightProperty()
      • getLoadPartiallyProperty

        public Property getLoadPartiallyProperty()
      • getOptionsProperty

        public Property getOptionsProperty()
      • getQueryProperty

        public Property getQueryProperty()
      • getRowElementTypeProperty

        public Property getRowElementTypeProperty()
      • getRowElementsProperty

        public Property getRowElementsProperty()
      • getRowFiltersProperty

        public Property getRowFiltersProperty()
      • getRowsOrderProperty

        public Property getRowsOrderProperty()
      • getScopeProperty

        public Property getScopeProperty()
      • getShowColumnIconsProperty

        public Property getShowColumnIconsProperty()
      • getShowDetailedColumnNameProperty

        public Property getShowDetailedColumnNameProperty()
      • getShowElementNumberProperty

        public Property getShowElementNumberProperty()
      • getShowElementTypeProperty

        public Property getShowElementTypeProperty()
      • getShowFilterProperty

        public Property getShowFilterProperty()
      • getShowFullPathProperty

        public Property getShowFullPathProperty()
      • getShowScopeProperty

        public Property getShowScopeProperty()
      • getShowScopeAsRootProperty

        public Property getShowScopeAsRootProperty()
      • getSortProperty

        public Property getSortProperty()
      • getWrapTextProperty

        public Property getWrapTextProperty()
      • setClassifiers

        public void setClassifiers​(Element element,
                                   java.util.Collection<? extends Element> value)
      • clearClassifiers

        public void clearClassifiers​(Element element)
      • addClassifiers

        public void addClassifiers​(Element element,
                                   Element value)
      • removeClassifiers

        public void removeClassifiers​(Element element,
                                      Element value)
      • getClassifiers

        public java.util.List<Element> getClassifiers​(Element element)
      • setShowUnitsOnColumn

        public void setShowUnitsOnColumn​(Element element,
                                         java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearShowUnitsOnColumn

        public void clearShowUnitsOnColumn​(Element element)
      • isShowUnitsOnColumn

        public java.lang.Boolean isShowUnitsOnColumn​(Element element)
      • setShowUnitsOnValues

        public void setShowUnitsOnValues​(Element element,
                                         java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearShowUnitsOnValues

        public void clearShowUnitsOnValues​(Element element)
      • isShowUnitsOnValues

        public java.lang.Boolean isShowUnitsOnValues​(Element element)
      • setAdditionalElements

        public void setAdditionalElements​(Element element,
                                          java.util.Collection<? extends Element> value)
      • clearAdditionalElements

        public void clearAdditionalElements​(Element element)
      • addAdditionalElements

        public void addAdditionalElements​(Element element,
                                          Element value)
      • removeAdditionalElements

        public void removeAdditionalElements​(Element element,
                                             Element value)
      • getAdditionalElements

        public java.util.List<Element> getAdditionalElements​(Element element)
      • setColumnElements

        public void setColumnElements​(Element element,
                                      java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> value)
      • clearColumnElements

        public void clearColumnElements​(Element element)
      • addColumnElements

        public void addColumnElements​(Element element,
                                      java.lang.String value)
      • removeColumnElements

        public void removeColumnElements​(Element element,
                                         java.lang.String value)
      • getColumnElements

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getColumnElements​(Element element)
      • setColumnIds

        public void setColumnIds​(Element element,
                                 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> value)
      • clearColumnIds

        public void clearColumnIds​(Element element)
      • addColumnIds

        public void addColumnIds​(Element element,
                                 java.lang.String value)
      • removeColumnIds

        public void removeColumnIds​(Element element,
                                    java.lang.String value)
      • getColumnIds

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getColumnIds​(Element element)
      • setColumnWidth

        public void setColumnWidth​(Element element,
                                   java.util.Collection<java.lang.Integer> value)
      • clearColumnWidth

        public void clearColumnWidth​(Element element)
      • addColumnWidth

        public void addColumnWidth​(Element element,
                                   java.lang.Integer value)
      • removeColumnWidth

        public void removeColumnWidth​(Element element,
                                      java.lang.Integer value)
      • getColumnWidth

        public java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getColumnWidth​(Element element)
      • setCustomColumns

        public void setCustomColumns​(Element element,
                                     java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> value)
      • clearCustomColumns

        public void clearCustomColumns​(Element element)
      • addCustomColumns

        public void addCustomColumns​(Element element,
                                     java.lang.String value)
      • removeCustomColumns

        public void removeCustomColumns​(Element element,
                                        java.lang.String value)
      • getCustomColumns

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getCustomColumns​(Element element)
      • setDefaultRowElementsOwner

        public void setDefaultRowElementsOwner​(Element element,
                                               Element value)
      • clearDefaultRowElementsOwner

        public void clearDefaultRowElementsOwner​(Element element)
      • getDefaultRowElementsOwner

        public Element getDefaultRowElementsOwner​(Element element)
      • setDescriptionArea

        public void setDescriptionArea​(Element element,
                                       java.lang.String value)
      • clearDescriptionArea

        public void clearDescriptionArea​(Element element)
      • getDescriptionArea

        public java.lang.String getDescriptionArea​(Element element)
      • clearDisplayMode

        public void clearDisplayMode​(Element element)
      • setExcludedElements

        public void setExcludedElements​(Element element,
                                        java.util.Collection<? extends Element> value)
      • clearExcludedElements

        public void clearExcludedElements​(Element element)
      • addExcludedElements

        public void addExcludedElements​(Element element,
                                        Element value)
      • removeExcludedElements

        public void removeExcludedElements​(Element element,
                                           Element value)
      • getExcludedElements

        public java.util.List<Element> getExcludedElements​(Element element)
      • setExpandedRows

        public void setExpandedRows​(Element element,
                                    java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> value)
      • clearExpandedRows

        public void clearExpandedRows​(Element element)
      • addExpandedRows

        public void addExpandedRows​(Element element,
                                    java.lang.String value)
      • removeExpandedRows

        public void removeExpandedRows​(Element element,
                                       java.lang.String value)
      • getExpandedRows

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getExpandedRows​(Element element)
      • setHideColumns

        public void setHideColumns​(Element element,
                                   java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> value)
      • clearHideColumns

        public void clearHideColumns​(Element element)
      • addHideColumns

        public void addHideColumns​(Element element,
                                   java.lang.String value)
      • removeHideColumns

        public void removeHideColumns​(Element element,
                                      java.lang.String value)
      • getHideColumns

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getHideColumns​(Element element)
      • setIncludeAdditionalContent

        public void setIncludeAdditionalContent​(Element element,
                                                java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearIncludeAdditionalContent

        public void clearIncludeAdditionalContent​(Element element)
      • isIncludeAdditionalContent

        public java.lang.Boolean isIncludeAdditionalContent​(Element element)
      • setIncludeCustomTypesOfRowTypes

        public void setIncludeCustomTypesOfRowTypes​(Element element,
                                                    java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearIncludeCustomTypesOfRowTypes

        public void clearIncludeCustomTypesOfRowTypes​(Element element)
      • isIncludeCustomTypesOfRowTypes

        public java.lang.Boolean isIncludeCustomTypesOfRowTypes​(Element element)
      • setIncludeSubtypesOfRowTypes

        public void setIncludeSubtypesOfRowTypes​(Element element,
                                                 java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearIncludeSubtypesOfRowTypes

        public void clearIncludeSubtypesOfRowTypes​(Element element)
      • isIncludeSubtypesOfRowTypes

        public java.lang.Boolean isIncludeSubtypesOfRowTypes​(Element element)
      • setLegends

        public void setLegends​(Element element,
                               java.util.Collection<? extends Element> value)
      • clearLegends

        public void clearLegends​(Element element)
      • addLegends

        public void addLegends​(Element element,
                               Element value)
      • removeLegends

        public void removeLegends​(Element element,
                                  Element value)
      • getLegends

        public java.util.List<Element> getLegends​(Element element)
      • setLimitRowHeight

        public void setLimitRowHeight​(Element element,
                                      java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearLimitRowHeight

        public void clearLimitRowHeight​(Element element)
      • isLimitRowHeight

        public java.lang.Boolean isLimitRowHeight​(Element element)
      • setLoadPartially

        public void setLoadPartially​(Element element,
                                     java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearLoadPartially

        public void clearLoadPartially​(Element element)
      • isLoadPartially

        public java.lang.Boolean isLoadPartially​(Element element)
      • setOptions

        public void setOptions​(Element element,
                               java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> value)
      • clearOptions

        public void clearOptions​(Element element)
      • addOptions

        public void addOptions​(Element element,
                               java.lang.String value)
      • removeOptions

        public void removeOptions​(Element element,
                                  java.lang.String value)
      • getOptions

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getOptions​(Element element)
      • setQuery

        public void setQuery​(Element element,
                             java.lang.Object value)
      • clearQuery

        public void clearQuery​(Element element)
      • getQuery

        public java.lang.Object getQuery​(Element element)
      • setRowElementType

        public void setRowElementType​(Element element,
                                      java.util.Collection<? extends Element> value)
      • clearRowElementType

        public void clearRowElementType​(Element element)
      • addRowElementType

        public void addRowElementType​(Element element,
                                      Element value)
      • removeRowElementType

        public void removeRowElementType​(Element element,
                                         Element value)
      • getRowElementType

        public java.util.List<Element> getRowElementType​(Element element)
      • setRowElements

        public void setRowElements​(Element element,
                                   java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> value)
      • clearRowElements

        public void clearRowElements​(Element element)
      • addRowElements

        public void addRowElements​(Element element,
                                   java.lang.String value)
      • removeRowElements

        public void removeRowElements​(Element element,
                                      java.lang.String value)
      • getRowElements

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getRowElements​(Element element)
      • setRowFilters

        public void setRowFilters​(Element element,
                                  java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> value)
      • clearRowFilters

        public void clearRowFilters​(Element element)
      • addRowFilters

        public void addRowFilters​(Element element,
                                  java.lang.String value)
      • removeRowFilters

        public void removeRowFilters​(Element element,
                                     java.lang.String value)
      • getRowFilters

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getRowFilters​(Element element)
      • setRowsOrder

        public void setRowsOrder​(Element element,
                                 java.lang.String value)
      • clearRowsOrder

        public void clearRowsOrder​(Element element)
      • getRowsOrder

        public java.lang.String getRowsOrder​(Element element)
      • setScope

        public void setScope​(Element element,
                             java.util.Collection<? extends Element> value)
      • clearScope

        public void clearScope​(Element element)
      • addScope

        public void addScope​(Element element,
                             Element value)
      • removeScope

        public void removeScope​(Element element,
                                Element value)
      • getScope

        public java.util.List<Element> getScope​(Element element)
      • setShowColumnIcons

        public void setShowColumnIcons​(Element element,
                                       java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearShowColumnIcons

        public void clearShowColumnIcons​(Element element)
      • isShowColumnIcons

        public java.lang.Boolean isShowColumnIcons​(Element element)
      • setShowDetailedColumnName

        public void setShowDetailedColumnName​(Element element,
                                              java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearShowDetailedColumnName

        public void clearShowDetailedColumnName​(Element element)
      • isShowDetailedColumnName

        public java.lang.Boolean isShowDetailedColumnName​(Element element)
      • setShowElementNumber

        public void setShowElementNumber​(Element element,
                                         java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearShowElementNumber

        public void clearShowElementNumber​(Element element)
      • isShowElementNumber

        public java.lang.Boolean isShowElementNumber​(Element element)
      • setShowElementType

        public void setShowElementType​(Element element,
                                       java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearShowElementType

        public void clearShowElementType​(Element element)
      • isShowElementType

        public java.lang.Boolean isShowElementType​(Element element)
      • setShowFilter

        public void setShowFilter​(Element element,
                                  java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearShowFilter

        public void clearShowFilter​(Element element)
      • isShowFilter

        public java.lang.Boolean isShowFilter​(Element element)
      • setShowFullPath

        public void setShowFullPath​(Element element,
                                    java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearShowFullPath

        public void clearShowFullPath​(Element element)
      • isShowFullPath

        public java.lang.Boolean isShowFullPath​(Element element)
      • setShowScope

        public void setShowScope​(Element element,
                                 java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearShowScope

        public void clearShowScope​(Element element)
      • isShowScope

        public java.lang.Boolean isShowScope​(Element element)
      • setShowScopeAsRoot

        public void setShowScopeAsRoot​(Element element,
                                       java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearShowScopeAsRoot

        public void clearShowScopeAsRoot​(Element element)
      • isShowScopeAsRoot

        public java.lang.Boolean isShowScopeAsRoot​(Element element)
      • setSort

        public void setSort​(Element element,
                            java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> value)
      • clearSort

        public void clearSort​(Element element)
      • addSort

        public void addSort​(Element element,
                            java.lang.String value)
      • removeSort

        public void removeSort​(Element element,
                               java.lang.String value)
      • getSort

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getSort​(Element element)
      • setWrapText

        public void setWrapText​(Element element,
                                java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearWrapText

        public void clearWrapText​(Element element)
      • isWrapText

        public java.lang.Boolean isWrapText​(Element element)
      • clear

        protected void clear()
      • is

        public boolean is​(@CheckForNull
                          Element element)
        Description copied from class: ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
        Checks if stereotype of this wrapper is applied to given element.
        element - element
        true if stereotype of this wrapper is applied to given element
      • isInstance

        public static boolean isInstance​(@CheckForNull
                                         Element element)