Class MagicDrawProfile.SmartPackageStereotype

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String ADDITIONALELEMENTS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String EXCLUDEDELEMENTS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FROZEN

        public static final java.lang.String FROZEN
        Suspend the calculation of Smart Package content. Select Refresh Contents to update the content.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String USEINSELECTIONDIALOGS
        This option determines whether contents of this smart package should be calculated and taken into account when operating in various Select Element dialogs. Having this option on may help you to pick elements in Select Element dialog, but it also incurs performance penalty. If your smart package contains a slow-running computation - such as Find - you may want to keep this option off for performance reasons.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • additionalElements

        private Property additionalElements
      • excludedElements

        private Property excludedElements
      • frozen

        private Property frozen
      • frozenContents

        private Property frozenContents
      • query

        private Property query
      • useInSelectionDialogs

        private Property useInSelectionDialogs
    • Constructor Detail

      • SmartPackageStereotype

        protected SmartPackageStereotype​(MagicDrawProfile profile)
    • Method Detail

      • getAdditionalElementsProperty

        public Property getAdditionalElementsProperty()
      • getExcludedElementsProperty

        public Property getExcludedElementsProperty()
      • getFrozenProperty

        public Property getFrozenProperty()
      • getFrozenContentsProperty

        public Property getFrozenContentsProperty()
      • getQueryProperty

        public Property getQueryProperty()
      • getUseInSelectionDialogsProperty

        public Property getUseInSelectionDialogsProperty()
      • setAdditionalElements

        public void setAdditionalElements​(Element element,
                                          java.util.Collection<? extends Element> value)
      • clearAdditionalElements

        public void clearAdditionalElements​(Element element)
      • addAdditionalElements

        public void addAdditionalElements​(Element element,
                                          Element value)
      • removeAdditionalElements

        public void removeAdditionalElements​(Element element,
                                             Element value)
      • getAdditionalElements

        public java.util.List<Element> getAdditionalElements​(Element element)
      • setExcludedElements

        public void setExcludedElements​(Element element,
                                        java.util.Collection<? extends Element> value)
      • clearExcludedElements

        public void clearExcludedElements​(Element element)
      • addExcludedElements

        public void addExcludedElements​(Element element,
                                        Element value)
      • removeExcludedElements

        public void removeExcludedElements​(Element element,
                                           Element value)
      • getExcludedElements

        public java.util.List<Element> getExcludedElements​(Element element)
      • setFrozen

        public void setFrozen​(Element element,
                              java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearFrozen

        public void clearFrozen​(Element element)
      • isFrozen

        public java.lang.Boolean isFrozen​(Element element)
      • setFrozenContents

        public void setFrozenContents​(Element element,
                                      java.util.Collection<? extends Element> value)
      • clearFrozenContents

        public void clearFrozenContents​(Element element)
      • addFrozenContents

        public void addFrozenContents​(Element element,
                                      Element value)
      • removeFrozenContents

        public void removeFrozenContents​(Element element,
                                         Element value)
      • getFrozenContents

        public java.util.List<Element> getFrozenContents​(Element element)
      • setQuery

        public void setQuery​(Element element,
                             java.lang.Object value)
      • clearQuery

        public void clearQuery​(Element element)
      • getQuery

        public java.lang.Object getQuery​(Element element)
      • setUseInSelectionDialogs

        public void setUseInSelectionDialogs​(Element element,
                                             java.lang.Boolean value)
      • clearUseInSelectionDialogs

        public void clearUseInSelectionDialogs​(Element element)
      • isUseInSelectionDialogs

        public java.lang.Boolean isUseInSelectionDialogs​(Element element)
      • clear

        protected void clear()
      • is

        public boolean is​(@CheckForNull
                          Element element)
        Description copied from class: ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
        Checks if stereotype of this wrapper is applied to given element.
        element - element
        true if stereotype of this wrapper is applied to given element
      • isInstance

        public static boolean isInstance​(@CheckForNull
                                         Element element)