Package com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.interactions.mdfragments
Interface Summary Interface Description CombinedFragment A representation of the model object 'Combined Fragment'.CombinedFragmentClass ConsiderIgnoreFragment A representation of the model object 'Consider Ignore Fragment'.ConsiderIgnoreFragmentClass Continuation A representation of the model object 'Continuation'.ContinuationClass Gate A representation of the model object 'Gate'.GateClass InteractionConstraint A representation of the model object 'Interaction Constraint'.InteractionConstraintClass InteractionOperand A representation of the model object 'Interaction Operand'.InteractionOperandClass InteractionOperatorKind InteractionUse A representation of the model object 'Interaction Use'.InteractionUseClass PartDecomposition A representation of the model object 'Part Decomposition'.PartDecompositionClass -
Class Summary Class Description InteractionOperatorKindEnum A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Interaction Operator Kind', and utility methods for working with them.