Class HyperlinksUIUtils

  • @OpenApiAll
    public class HyperlinksUIUtils
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utility class for activating hyperlinks from UI.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HyperlinksUIUtils

        public HyperlinksUIUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • activateHyperlink

        public static void activateHyperlink​(@CheckForNull
                                             Element owner,
                                             Hyperlink hyperlink,
                                             java.awt.AWTEvent event,
                                             LocationInTool location)
        Activates given hyperlink
        owner - hyperlink owner
        hyperlink - hyperlink
        event - input event (used to take click modifiers)
        location - hyperlink activation location in MD
      • activateHyperlink

        public static void activateHyperlink​(@CheckForNull
                                             Element owner,
                                             Hyperlink hyperlink)
        Activates given hyperlink
        owner - hyperlink owner
        hyperlink - hyperlink in MD
      • activateHyperlink

        public static boolean activateHyperlink​(Element element,
                                                java.awt.AWTEvent event,
                                                LocationInTool locationInTool)
        Opens active hyperlink for given Element.
        element - given element
        event - event that triggered hyperlink
        locationInTool - location where hyperlink is triggered from
        true if was triggered