Class BaseNMStateAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionListener, Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable, EventListener, Action
Direct Known Subclasses:
NMStateAction, NMTriStateAction

@OpenApiAll public abstract class BaseNMStateAction extends NMAction
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String GROUPED
      Flag indicates that in group of NMStateActions only one action can have "state" true (its radio buttons actions).
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BaseNMStateAction

      public BaseNMStateAction(@CheckForNull String id, @CheckForNull String name, @CheckForNull KeyStroke stroke, @CheckForNull String group)
      Creates action with given id, name, key stroke.
      id - the id of the action.
      name - the name of the action.
      stroke - the key stroke of the action
      group - the name of the related commands group.
    • BaseNMStateAction

      public BaseNMStateAction(@CheckForNull String id, @CheckForNull String name, int mnemonic, @CheckForNull String group)
      Constructs the action with given id, name, mnemonic key.
      id - the id of the action.
      name - the name of the action.
      mnemonic - the mnemonic key of the action
      group - the name of the related commands group.
    • BaseNMStateAction

      public BaseNMStateAction(@CheckForNull String id, @CheckForNull String name, @CheckForNull KeyStroke stroke)
      Creates action with given id, name, key stroke.
      id - the id of the action.
      name - the name of the action.
      stroke - the key stroke of the action
    • BaseNMStateAction

      public BaseNMStateAction(@CheckForNull String id, @CheckForNull String name, int mnemonic)
      Constructs the action with given id, name, mnemonic key.
      id - the id of the action.
      name - the name of the action.
      mnemonic - the mnemonic key of the action
  • Method Details

    • isGrouped

      public boolean isGrouped()
      Return grouped property value.
      true if this action is grouped state action.
    • setGrouped

      public void setGrouped(boolean grouped)
      Sets new grouped property value.
      grouped - new value of grouped flag.