Class MenuAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionListener, Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable, EventListener, Action, MenuListener, PopupMenuListener
Direct Known Subclasses:

@OpenApiAll public class MenuAction extends ActionsCategory implements PopupMenuListener, MenuListener
This class represents special kind of action. It can behave as normal actions category, but has methods which informs action about menu created from this action selecting /deselecting.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MenuAction

      public MenuAction(@CheckForNull String id, @CheckForNull String name)
      Construct a menu action with id and name
      id - the id of the category.
      name - the name of the category.
    • MenuAction

      public MenuAction(@CheckForNull String id, @CheckForNull String name, @CheckForNull KeyStroke stroke)
      Creates menu action with given id, name, and KeyStroke.
      id - the id of the category.
      name - the name of the category.
      stroke - key stroke used for invoking action category.
    • MenuAction

      public MenuAction(@CheckForNull String id, @CheckForNull String name, @CheckForNull KeyStroke stroke, @CheckForNull String group)
      Creates menu action with given id, name, and KeyStroke.
      id - the id of the category.
      name - the name of the category.
      stroke - key stroke used for invoking action category.
      group - the name of the related commands group.
    • MenuAction

      public MenuAction(@CheckForNull String id, @CheckForNull String name, int keyCode)
      Creates menu action with given id, name, and key code.
      id - the id of the category.
      name - the name of the category.
      keyCode - key stroke used for invoking action category.
    • MenuAction

      public MenuAction(@CheckForNull String id, @CheckForNull String name, int keyCode, String group)
      Creates menu action with given id, name, and key code.
      id - the id of the category.
      name - the name of the category.
      keyCode - key stroke used for invoking action category.
      group - the name of the related commands group.
  • Method Details