Class NMJideButton

All Implemented Interfaces:
com.jidesoft.swing.Alignable, com.jidesoft.swing.AlignmentSupport, com.jidesoft.swing.ButtonStyle, com.jidesoft.swing.ComponentStateSupport, com.nomagic.awt.HelpInformationProvider, KeyListener, MouseListener, ImageObserver, ItemSelectable, MenuContainer, Serializable, EventListener, Accessible, SwingConstants
Direct Known Subclasses:

@OpenApi public class NMJideButton extends com.jidesoft.swing.JideButton implements MouseListener, Serializable, KeyListener, com.nomagic.awt.HelpInformationProvider
This is simple image popup button bean. Then user moves mouse on it, button border is drawn as raised 3D rectangle; if button is pushed, it's border is drawn as hollow 3D rectangle. Button size is the same as image size. This button has three modes: pushed - is button pushed toggle - is button a toggle button. If button is not a toggle button, the user can only push it (not to release) sticky - is button is a sticky button. If button is not sticky, after mouse released it will lose it's pushed state. The button can registry ActionListeners. ActionEvent is fired when user presses and releases mouse on the button. If mouse was only pressed on the button and releases elsewhere, ActionEvent is not fired. The button also can registry HelpListeners. HelpEvent is fired when user moves mouse pointer on the button or moves it out. When mouse moves in HelpEvent is fired with parameter getTooltipText(), when mouse moves out, HelpEvent is fired with parameter null.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • NMJideButton

      @OpenApi public NMJideButton()
      Constructs not pushed button with no image, empty command string and empty help string. The size of the button will be zero.
    • NMJideButton

      @OpenApi public NMJideButton(Action action)
      Creates button from given action.
      See Also:
    • NMJideButton

      @OpenApi public NMJideButton(@CheckForNull Icon icon)
      Creates button with given icon.
      icon - icon for button.
      See Also: