Class BPMN2Profile.EscalationStartEventStereotype

Enclosing class:

public static class BPMN2Profile.EscalationStartEventStereotype extends ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
  • Field Details


      public static final String STEREOTYPE_NAME
      See Also:

      public static final String ISINTERRUPTING
      This attribute only applies to Start Events of Event Sub-Processes; it is ignored for other Start Events. This attribute denotes whether the Sub-Process encompassing the Event Sub-Process should be canceled or not, If the encompassing Sub-Process is not canceled, multiple instances of the Event Sub-Process can run concurrently. This attribute cannot be applied to Error Events (where it s always true), or Compensation Events (where it doesn t apply).
      See Also:

      public static final String DATAOUTPUTASSOCIATION
      See Also:

      public static final String DATAOUTPUTS
      See Also:

      public static final String OUTPUTSET
      See Also:
    • ID

      public static final String ID
      This attribute is used to uniquely identify BPMN elements.
      See Also:

      public static final String ESCALATIONCODE
      For an End Event: If the Result is an Escalation, then the escalationCode MUST be supplied (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable). This throws the escalation. For an Intermediate Event within Normal Flow: If the Trigger is an Escalation, then the escalationCode MUST be entered (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable). This throws the escalation. For an Intermediate Event attached to the boundary of an Activity: If the Trigger is an Escalation, then the escalationCode MAY be entered. This Event catches the escalation. If there is no escalationCode, then any escalation SHALL trigger the Event. If there is an escalationCode, then only an escalation that matches the escalationCode SHALL trigger the Event.
      See Also:

      public static final String ESCALATIONREF
      See Also:

      public static final String STRUCTUREREF
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • EscalationStartEventStereotype

      protected EscalationStartEventStereotype(BPMN2Profile profile)
  • Method Details

    • getStereotype

      public Stereotype getStereotype()
      Description copied from class: ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
      Returns stereotype for this wrapper.
      Specified by:
      getStereotype in class ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
    • getIsInterruptingProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getIsInterruptingProperty()
    • getDataOutputAssociationProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getDataOutputAssociationProperty()
    • getDataOutputsProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getDataOutputsProperty()
    • getOutputSetProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getOutputSetProperty()
    • getIdProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getIdProperty()
    • getEscalationCodeProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getEscalationCodeProperty()
    • getEscalationRefProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getEscalationRefProperty()
    • getStructureRefProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getStructureRefProperty()
    • setIsInterrupting

      public void setIsInterrupting(Element element, @CheckForNull BPMN2Profile.isInterrupting_escalationEnum value)
    • clearIsInterrupting

      public void clearIsInterrupting(Element element)
    • getIsInterrupting

      @CheckForNull public BPMN2Profile.isInterrupting_escalationEnum getIsInterrupting(Element element)
    • setDataOutputAssociation

      public void setDataOutputAssociation(Element element, @CheckForNull Collection<? extends Element> value)
    • clearDataOutputAssociation

      public void clearDataOutputAssociation(Element element)
    • addDataOutputAssociation

      public void addDataOutputAssociation(Element element, Element value)
    • removeDataOutputAssociation

      public void removeDataOutputAssociation(Element element, Element value)
    • getDataOutputAssociation

      public List<Element> getDataOutputAssociation(Element element)
    • setDataOutputs

      public void setDataOutputs(Element element, @CheckForNull Collection<? extends Element> value)
    • clearDataOutputs

      public void clearDataOutputs(Element element)
    • addDataOutputs

      public void addDataOutputs(Element element, Element value)
    • removeDataOutputs

      public void removeDataOutputs(Element element, Element value)
    • getDataOutputs

      public List<Element> getDataOutputs(Element element)
    • setOutputSet

      public void setOutputSet(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearOutputSet

      public void clearOutputSet(Element element)
    • getOutputSet

      @CheckForNull public Element getOutputSet(Element element)
    • setId

      public void setId(Element element, @CheckForNull String value)
    • clearId

      public void clearId(Element element)
    • getId

      @CheckForNull public String getId(Element element)
    • setEscalationCode

      public void setEscalationCode(Element element, @CheckForNull String value)
    • clearEscalationCode

      public void clearEscalationCode(Element element)
    • getEscalationCode

      @CheckForNull public String getEscalationCode(Element element)
    • setEscalationRef

      public void setEscalationRef(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearEscalationRef

      public void clearEscalationRef(Element element)
    • getEscalationRef

      @CheckForNull public Element getEscalationRef(Element element)
    • setStructureRef

      public void setStructureRef(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearStructureRef

      public void clearStructureRef(Element element)
    • getStructureRef

      @CheckForNull public Element getStructureRef(Element element)
    • clear

      protected void clear()
    • is

      public boolean is(@CheckForNull Element element)
    • isInstance

      public static boolean isInstance(@CheckForNull Element element)