Class BPMN2Profile.MessageStartEventStereotype

Enclosing class:

public static class BPMN2Profile.MessageStartEventStereotype extends ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
  • Field Details


      public static final String STEREOTYPE_NAME
      See Also:

      public static final String ISINTERRUPTING
      This attribute only applies to Start Events of Event Sub-Processes; it is ignored for other Start Events. This attribute denotes whether the Sub-Process encompassing the Event Sub-Process should be canceled or not, If the encompassing Sub-Process is not canceled, multiple instances of the Event Sub-Process can run concurrently. This attribute cannot be applied to Error Events (where it s always true), or Compensation Events (where it doesn t apply).
      See Also:

      public static final String DATAOUTPUTASSOCIATION
      See Also:

      public static final String DATAOUTPUTS
      See Also:

      public static final String OUTPUTSET
      See Also:
    • ID

      public static final String ID
      This attribute is used to uniquely identify BPMN elements.
      See Also:

      public static final String MESSAGEREF
      The Message MUST be supplied (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable).
      See Also:

      public static final String OPERATIONREF
      This attribute specifies the operation that is used by the Message Event. It MUST be specified for executable Processes.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MessageStartEventStereotype

      protected MessageStartEventStereotype(BPMN2Profile profile)
  • Method Details

    • getStereotype

      public Stereotype getStereotype()
      Description copied from class: ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
      Returns stereotype for this wrapper.
      Specified by:
      getStereotype in class ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
    • getIsInterruptingProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getIsInterruptingProperty()
    • getDataOutputAssociationProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getDataOutputAssociationProperty()
    • getDataOutputsProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getDataOutputsProperty()
    • getOutputSetProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getOutputSetProperty()
    • getIdProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getIdProperty()
    • getMessageRefProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getMessageRefProperty()
    • getOperationRefProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getOperationRefProperty()
    • setIsInterrupting

      public void setIsInterrupting(Element element, @CheckForNull BPMN2Profile.isInterrupting_messageEnum value)
    • clearIsInterrupting

      public void clearIsInterrupting(Element element)
    • getIsInterrupting

      @CheckForNull public BPMN2Profile.isInterrupting_messageEnum getIsInterrupting(Element element)
    • setDataOutputAssociation

      public void setDataOutputAssociation(Element element, @CheckForNull Collection<? extends Element> value)
    • clearDataOutputAssociation

      public void clearDataOutputAssociation(Element element)
    • addDataOutputAssociation

      public void addDataOutputAssociation(Element element, Element value)
    • removeDataOutputAssociation

      public void removeDataOutputAssociation(Element element, Element value)
    • getDataOutputAssociation

      public List<Element> getDataOutputAssociation(Element element)
    • setDataOutputs

      public void setDataOutputs(Element element, @CheckForNull Collection<? extends Element> value)
    • clearDataOutputs

      public void clearDataOutputs(Element element)
    • addDataOutputs

      public void addDataOutputs(Element element, Element value)
    • removeDataOutputs

      public void removeDataOutputs(Element element, Element value)
    • getDataOutputs

      public List<Element> getDataOutputs(Element element)
    • setOutputSet

      public void setOutputSet(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearOutputSet

      public void clearOutputSet(Element element)
    • getOutputSet

      @CheckForNull public Element getOutputSet(Element element)
    • setId

      public void setId(Element element, @CheckForNull String value)
    • clearId

      public void clearId(Element element)
    • getId

      @CheckForNull public String getId(Element element)
    • setMessageRef

      public void setMessageRef(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearMessageRef

      public void clearMessageRef(Element element)
    • getMessageRef

      @CheckForNull public Element getMessageRef(Element element)
    • setOperationRef

      public void setOperationRef(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearOperationRef

      public void clearOperationRef(Element element)
    • getOperationRef

      @CheckForNull public Element getOperationRef(Element element)
    • clear

      protected void clear()
    • is

      public boolean is(@CheckForNull Element element)
    • isInstance

      public static boolean isInstance(@CheckForNull Element element)