Class CodeEngineeringManager


@OpenApiAll public class CodeEngineeringManager extends Object
Dedicated to perform Code Engineering reverse/generate task using MagicDraw OpenApi. It has static methods to create, remove, set some reverse settings for given code engineering set.
  • Constructor Details

    • CodeEngineeringManager

      public CodeEngineeringManager()
  • Method Details

    • createCodeEngineeringSet

      public static CodeEngineeringSet createCodeEngineeringSet(@Nonnull String language, @CheckForNull String dialect, @Nonnull String name, @Nonnull Project project, @CheckForNull Package workingPackage, @CheckForNull String workingDirectory) throws IllegalStateException
      Given a language + dialect, name and working package of Code Engineering Set and project where to add this CES, creates new Code Engineering Set instance.
      language - Language of Code Engineering Set. Use CodeEngineeringConstants to get List of languages.
      dialect - Dialect of language, this is dedicated for C++ or DDL CES. If language has no dialect, use null.
      name - Name of Code Engineering Set.
      project - project where to add new code engineering set.
      workingPackage - Working package code engineering set.
      workingDirectory - Directory of working files. This is path where files are located fore reverse, or where new files will be generated.
      created Code Engineering Set instance.
      IllegalStateException - if given language is not supported.
    • removeCodeEngineeringSet

      public static void removeCodeEngineeringSet(@Nonnull CodeEngineeringSet codeEngineeringSet) throws IllegalStateException
      Given a codeEngineeringSet, removes it with all inner elements.
      codeEngineeringSet - set to be removed.
      IllegalStateException - if code engineering set language is not supported.
    • getAllCodeEngineeringSets

      public static List<CodeEngineeringSet> getAllCodeEngineeringSets(@Nonnull Project project)
      Given a project, returns list of all available code engineering sets.
      project - project of code engineering sets.
      List of available code engineering sets.
    • getCodeEngineeringSet

      public static CodeEngineeringSet getCodeEngineeringSet(@Nonnull Project project, @Nonnull String language, @CheckForNull String dialect, @Nonnull String name) throws IllegalStateException
      Returns Code engineering set from given project, which matches language, dialect and name.
      project - MD project, where code engineering set should be.
      language - Language of code engineering set. Use CodeEngineeringConstants.Languages to get constants.
      dialect - dialect of language. Dedicated for C++ or DDL. Use CodeEngineeringConstants.Dialects to get constants.
      name - name of code engineering set.
      code engineering set or null.
      IllegalStateException - if given language is not supported.
    • setReverseAnalysisOption

      public static void setReverseAnalysisOption(@Nonnull Project project, boolean createClassifiersDependencies, boolean createPackageDependencies)
      Sets reverse engineering analysis options. Applies to all code engineering sets for given project.
      project - MagicDraw project, where to apply this option.
      createClassifiersDependencies - True to create classifiers dependencies.
      createPackageDependencies - True to create package dependencies.
    • setClassFieldCreationType

      @Deprecated public static void setClassFieldCreationType(@Nonnull Project project, @Nonnull String language, boolean asAttribute) throws IllegalStateException
      Given a project and language of Code engineering set and, sets the default Class field creation as attribute if asAttribute field is true, and association if false.
      project - MagicDraw project.
      language - Code Engineering set language.
      asAttribute - true, if creation type is Attribute, false if creation type is association.
      IllegalStateException - if given language is not supported.
    • setClassFieldCreationType

      public static void setClassFieldCreationType(@Nonnull Project project, @Nonnull String language, com.nomagic.magicdraw.ce.core.rt.options.AttributeCreationType type) throws IllegalStateException
      Given a project and language of Code engineering set and, sets the default Class field creation type.
      project - project.
      language - Code Engineering set language.
      type - class field creation type.
      IllegalStateException - if given language is not supported.
    • setResolveCollectionGenerics

      public static void setResolveCollectionGenerics(Project project, boolean resolve)
      Reverse engineering option, to enable resolve collection generic. Applies for all project's code engineering sets.
      project - MD project.
      resolve - True, to resolve, false to not resolve.
    • setResetAlreadyCreatedFields

      public static void setResetAlreadyCreatedFields(@Nonnull Project project, boolean reset)
      Reverse engineering option, to reset already created fields. Applies for all project's code engineering sets.
      project - MD project.
      reset - true - reset, false - not reset.
    • setMergeModelAndCode

      public static void setMergeModelAndCode(@Nonnull Project project, boolean mergeCode)
      Reverse engineering option, for merging new code with model. Applies for all project's code engineering sets.
      project - MD project.
      mergeCode - True to merge, false for not (default).
    • reverse

      public static void reverse(@Nonnull CodeEngineeringSet ces, boolean showOptionDialog) throws IllegalStateException
      Performs reverse engineering for given code engineering set.
      ces - code engineering set, to be reversed.
      showOptionDialog - True to show code engineering option dialog, False for silent reverse.
      IllegalStateException - if code engineering set language is not supported.
    • generate

      public static void generate(@Nonnull CodeEngineeringSet ces) throws IllegalStateException
      Performs code engineering for given code engineering set.
      ces - code engineering set to be generated.
      IllegalStateException - if code engineering set language is not supported.