Interface DependencyMatrixAMConfigurator

All Superinterfaces:
ConfiguratorWithPriority, PriorityProvider, PriorityProvider

@OpenApiAll public interface DependencyMatrixAMConfigurator extends ConfiguratorWithPriority
Configurator interface used to customize Dependency matrix row, column and filter panel menu actions.
  • Method Details

    • configure

      @Deprecated default void configure(ActionsManager manager, PersistenceManager settings, Collection<Element> elements, boolean forRow)
      use {@link DependencyMatrixAMConfigurator#configure(com.nomagic.actions.ActionsManager, java.util.Collection, boolean, com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.PersistenceManager))
    • configure

      default void configure(ActionsManager manager, Collection<ElementNode> elementNodes, boolean forRow, PersistenceManager settings)
      Method for configuring context menu actions. During this call, new actions can be added to dependency matrix menu. Also existing actions can be removed from the given manager.

      Using this configurator three menu types may be configured: row element menu, column element menu, filter area menu. If elements collection is empty - the click was on the filter area, otherwise forRow variable shows if it is row or column elements.

      manager - manager to be configured.
      elementNodes - currently selected row or column nodes
      forRow - true if configuring actions for selected rows, false - for selected column nodes
      settings - dependency Matrix Settings