Class BaseEmfOptionsGroup

All Implemented Interfaces:
BaseOptions, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:

@OpenApi public abstract class BaseEmfOptionsGroup extends com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.options.VersionedOptionsGroup implements BaseOptions
Eclipse UML2 XMI export/import environment options.
  • Field Details


      @OpenApi public static final String OPTION_EXPORT_ALWAYS
      Auto-export to Eclipse UML2 XMI option.
      See Also:

      @OpenApi public static final String OPTION_ASK_BEFORE_EXPORT
      Auto-export to Eclipse UML2 XMI option.
      See Also:

      @OpenApi public static final String OPTION_NEVER
      Auto-export to Eclipse UML2 XMI option.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setAutoExportOption

      @OpenApi public void setAutoExportOption(String choice)
      Set auto-export to Eclipse UML2 XMI on project save option.
      Specified by:
      setAutoExportOption in interface BaseOptions
      See Also:
    • getAutoExportOption

      @OpenApi public String getAutoExportOption()
      Get auto-export to Eclipse UML2 XMI option.
      Specified by:
      getAutoExportOption in interface BaseOptions
      current auto-export choice.
      See Also:
    • setAskToOverwriteExportedFiles

      @OpenApi public void setAskToOverwriteExportedFiles(boolean ask)
      Set if ask to overwrite exported files.
      Specified by:
      setAskToOverwriteExportedFiles in interface BaseOptions
      ask - true - ask to overwrite, otherwise - overwrite without asking.
    • isAskToOverwriteExportedFiles

      @OpenApi public boolean isAskToOverwriteExportedFiles()
      Chekcks if ask to overwrite exported files.
      Specified by:
      isAskToOverwriteExportedFiles in interface BaseOptions
      true if ask to overwrite exported files.
    • setIDExportPolicy

      @OpenApi public void setIDExportPolicy(String choice)
      Set ID export policy
      Specified by:
      setIDExportPolicy in interface BaseOptions
      choice - choice
      See Also:
    • getIDExportPolicy

      @OpenApi public String getIDExportPolicy()
      Get current ID export choice.
      Specified by:
      getIDExportPolicy in interface BaseOptions
      See Also:
    • setShowMappinWarning

      @OpenApi public void setShowMappinWarning(boolean show)
      Set if show warnings about (datatypes, metaclasses) mappings.
      Specified by:
      setShowMappinWarning in interface BaseOptions
    • isShowMappinWarning

      @OpenApi public boolean isShowMappinWarning()
      Checks if show warnings about (datatypes, metaclasses) mappings.
      Specified by:
      isShowMappinWarning in interface BaseOptions
      true if warnings about (datatypes, metaclasses) mapping should be displayed.
    • setShowStereotypePropertyTypeChangeWarning

      @OpenApi public void setShowStereotypePropertyTypeChangeWarning(boolean show)
      Set if show warnings about stereotype property type change.
      Specified by:
      setShowStereotypePropertyTypeChangeWarning in interface BaseOptions
    • isShowStereotypePropertyTypeChangeWarning

      @OpenApi public boolean isShowStereotypePropertyTypeChangeWarning()
      Check if show warnings about stereotype property type change.
      Specified by:
      isShowStereotypePropertyTypeChangeWarning in interface BaseOptions
      true if warnings about stereotype property type change is displayed.
    • setShowStereotypeFromSameWarning

      @OpenApi public void setShowStereotypeFromSameWarning(boolean show)
      Set if show warnings about not applied stereotypes (from the same profile).
      Specified by:
      setShowStereotypeFromSameWarning in interface BaseOptions
    • isShowStereotypeFromSameWarning

      @OpenApi public boolean isShowStereotypeFromSameWarning()
      Checks if show warnings about not applied stereotypes (from the same profile).
      Specified by:
      isShowStereotypeFromSameWarning in interface BaseOptions
      true if warnings about not applied stereotype should be displayed.
    • setUseKeywordAsStereotypeName

      @OpenApi public void setUseKeywordAsStereotypeName(boolean use)
      Set if stereotype keyword is used as stereotype name on import.
      Specified by:
      setUseKeywordAsStereotypeName in interface BaseOptions
    • isUseKeywordAsStereotypeName

      @OpenApi public boolean isUseKeywordAsStereotypeName()
      Checks if stereotype keyword is used as stereotype name on import.
      Specified by:
      isUseKeywordAsStereotypeName in interface BaseOptions
      true if stereotype keyword is used as stereotype name on import.
    • setDisplayWarnings

      @OpenApi public void setDisplayWarnings(boolean display)
      Set if to show warnings in Message Window on export/import.
      Specified by:
      setDisplayWarnings in interface BaseOptions
    • isDisplayWarnings

      @OpenApi public boolean isDisplayWarnings()
      Checks if to show warnings in Message Window on export/import.
      Specified by:
      isDisplayWarnings in interface BaseOptions
      true if warnings shoud be displayed in Message Window.
    • setApplyAllProfilesToRootModel

      @OpenApi public void setApplyAllProfilesToRootModel(boolean apply)
      Set if to apply all profiles to root Model on export.
      Specified by:
      setApplyAllProfilesToRootModel in interface BaseOptions
      apply - true to apply all profiles to root Model (on export).
    • isApplyAllProfilesToRootModel

      @OpenApi public boolean isApplyAllProfilesToRootModel()
      Checks if to apply all profiles to root Model on export.
      Specified by:
      isApplyAllProfilesToRootModel in interface BaseOptions
      true on export all profiles will be applied to root Model.
    • setMoveStereotypeToNestingProfile

      @OpenApi public void setMoveStereotypeToNestingProfile(boolean move)
      Set if move stereotype to nesting profile if stereotype is not directly contained by profile.
      Specified by:
      setMoveStereotypeToNestingProfile in interface BaseOptions
      move - true move stereotype to nesting profile (on export).
    • isMoveStereotypeToNestingProfile

      @OpenApi public boolean isMoveStereotypeToNestingProfile()
      Checks if move stereotype to nesting profile if stereotype is not directly contained by profile.
      Specified by:
      isMoveStereotypeToNestingProfile in interface BaseOptions
      true move stereotype to nesting profile (on export).
    • isPreserveIDsOnImport

      @OpenApi public boolean isPreserveIDsOnImport()
      true if preserve imported ids.
    • setPreserveIDsOnImport

      @OpenApi public void setPreserveIDsOnImport(boolean preserve)