Class ImageExportResult


@OpenApiAll public class ImageExportResult extends Object
Class providing image export result.
 Diagram:                         Diagram canvas:
   |  HEADER                 |
   +-------------------------+   +--------------------------+
   |                         |   |   +----------------------| <-- canvas bound for exporting when shapes are not close to border
   |       +-------------+   |   |   |                      |
   |       |             |   |   |   |    +-------------+   |
   |       |      A      |   |   |   |    |     AA      |   |
   |       |             |   |   |   |    |             |   |
   |       +-------------+   |   |   |    +-------------+   |
   |                         |   |   |                      |
   +-------------------------+   +--------------------------+
   |  FOOTER                 |

 Exported image with banners:
       |    +-------------+
       |    |  HEADER     |
       |    +-------------+
       |    |             |
    B  |    |      C      |
       |    |             |
       |    +-------------+
       |    |  FOOTER     |
       |    +-------------+

 Exported image without banners:
       |    +-------------+
       |    |             |
    B  |    |      C      |
       |    |             |
       |    +-------------+

 Failed export image:
       |    +----------------+
     B |    | Error message  |
       |    +----------------+

 A - exportedAreaRect Start point and dimension of exported diagram area.
            In case of failed export (over time/dimension limits, error) rectangle will be empty as no part of diagram was exported
 AA - exportedCanvasAreaRect Start point and dimension of exported diagram canvas area.
            Shape bounds returned from SymbolDiagramElementsLocator.getLocatedElements() are offset from 0,0 point if no shape is close enough to border,
            this makes it harder to locate them on image without this value.
            In case of failed export (over time/dimension limits, error) rectangle will be empty as no part of diagram was exported
 B - imageRect Rectangle of exported image.
            Contains imageWithoutBannersRect and banners, or is same as imageWithoutBannersRect if banners are not exported
            Might also be just size of failed export image
 C - imageWithoutBannersRect Rectangle within exported image containing exportedAreaRect (same height and width, only starting coordinates are different)
            In case of failed export (over time/dimension limits, error) rectangle will be empty as it does not exist in exported image
 A and C only differs in starting coordinate since one is in diagram coordinates, other in exported image
  • Constructor Details

    • ImageExportResult

      public ImageExportResult()
  • Method Details

    • isExportSuccessful

      public boolean isExportSuccessful()
    • isDiagramNotExported

      public boolean isDiagramNotExported()
      true if diagram was not exported due to exceeding limits or some error
    • getExportStatus

      public ImageExportResult.ImageExportStatus getExportStatus()
    • setExportStatus

      public void setExportStatus(ImageExportResult.ImageExportStatus exportStatus)
    • getExportedAreaRect

      public Rectangle getExportedAreaRect()
    • setExportedAreaRect

      public void setExportedAreaRect(Rectangle exportedAreaRect)
    • getExportedCanvasAreaRect

      public Rectangle getExportedCanvasAreaRect()
    • setExportedCanvasAreaRect

      public void setExportedCanvasAreaRect(Rectangle exportedCanvasAreaRect)
    • getImageWithoutBannersRect

      public Rectangle getImageWithoutBannersRect()
    • setImageWithoutBannersRect

      public void setImageWithoutBannersRect(Rectangle imageWithoutBannersRect)
    • getImageRect

      public Rectangle getImageRect()
    • setImageRect

      public void setImageRect(Rectangle imageRect)