Class ProjectDifference


@OpenApi public final class ProjectDifference extends Object
Project difference data.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getSourceChanges

      @OpenApi public Set<Change> getSourceChanges()
      Get source changes - changes between ancestor and source.
      source changes.
    • getTargetChanges

      @OpenApi public Set<Change> getTargetChanges()
      Get target changes - changes between ancestor and target. There are changes nn the case of 2-way merge, as ancestor and target are the same.
      target changes.
    • getChanges

      @OpenApi public Set<? extends Change> getChanges()
      Get all changes - changes between both contributors and the ancestor project.
      all changes.
    • getRejectedModules

      @Deprecated(since="2022xRefresh2", forRemoval=true) @OpenApi public Map<ModuleInfo,Set<RwMergeModeConstraint>> getRejectedModules()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      do not use this method, it always returns empty collection
      Gets modules that were requested but did not qualify for read-write merge mode.
      target project ModuleInfo to RwMergeModeConstraint map