Interface ModelTransformation

All Known Implementing Classes:

@OpenApiAll public interface ModelTransformation
Interface for model transformation.
  • Method Details

    • transform

      Package transform(@CheckForNull Collection objects, @CheckForNull ModelTransformationInfo info, @CheckForNull TypeMapProfile typeMap, PropertyManager propertyManager, @CheckForNull Package destination) throws ReadOnlyElementException
      Performs transformation on specific set of objects
      objects - set of objects to transform
      info - model transformation info
      typeMap - type map profile to use for transformation, null for none
      propertyManager - transformation properties
      destination - destination model packages, null for transformation in place
      transformation model package (where transformation links are stored)
      ReadOnlyElementException - in case target model elements are read-only
    • updateTransform

      void updateTransform(Package transformationPackage, @CheckForNull TypeMapProfile typeMap, PropertyManager propertyManager, boolean syncDestination) throws ReadOnlyElementException
      Updates transformation on specific set of objects
      transformationPackage - package containing transformation links
      typeMap - type map profile to use for transformation, null for none
      propertyManager - transformation properties
      syncDestination - true for destination overwrite
      ReadOnlyElementException - in case target model elements are read-only
    • setTask

      void setTask(Task task)
      Sets task for transformation. Transformation can use Task for accesing progress status and etc.
      task - transformation task