Class SimulationProfile.SimulationConfigStereotype

Enclosing class:

public static class SimulationProfile.SimulationConfigStereotype extends ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
  • Field Details


      public static final String STEREOTYPE_NAME
      See Also:
    • UI

      public static final String UI
      References to all UI mockup configurations to be used in this execution.
      See Also:

      public static final String ADDCONTROLPANEL
      If true and "Web Server for Cameo Simulation Toolkit" plugin is installed, add simulation control panel into the web UI.
      See Also:

      Set to true, to execute allocated Activities simultaneously. Set to false, to execute only one allocated Activity for an object represented in an Activity Partition.
      See Also:

      public static final String ANIMATIONSPEED
      A preferred animation speed of the particular configuration. The value range is from 1 to 100%
      See Also:

      public static final String AUTOCONVERTUNITS
      Set to true for the units of the feature values connected via Binding Connector to be automatically converted if they have compatible types selected from the QUDV library.
      See Also:

      public static final String AUTOSTART
      When true, starts execution automatically from main MagicDraw toolbar. Otherwise, user must click Start in Simulation Console after initialization.
      See Also:

      public static final String AUTOTERMINATE
      Set to true for the simulation to terminate when it completes or after the initialization phase if autoStart is set to false. Set to false for the simulation to continue running without termination, hanging at the end or after the initialization phase if autoStart is set to false.
      See Also:

      Set to true for parametric models to be recalculated automatically when there is a change in any structural feature value. Set to false to recalculate parametric models manually.
      See Also:

      public static final String AUTOSTARTACTIVEOBJECTS
      If value is true, asynchronously starts behaviors of active classifiers (isActive=true) right after objects creation.
      See Also:

      public static final String CAPTURETIMESTAMP
      If true, timestamp is recorded into a result instance name.
      See Also:

      public static final String CLOCK_RATIO
      Ratio of the simulated time to modeled time. ratio = 1000 means that 1ms time expression in model will be interpreted as 1s in simulation.
      See Also:

      public static final String CLONEREFERENCES
      If true, create new instances for all objects recursively, if not, only first level - others remain in original locations.
      See Also:

      public static final String CONSTRAINTFAILUREASBREAKPOINT
      If the value is true, the simulation will be paused at the element which is the cause of the constraint failure.
      See Also:

      public static final String DECIMALPLACES
      The number of digits following the decimal point
      See Also:

      public static final String DURATIONSIMULATIONMODE
      Duration simulation mode specifies the duration which will be used in the execution of the elements that have duration constraint applied.
      See Also:

      public static final String ENDTIME
      If this value and "startTime" are specified, the simulation will be stopped when the simulation time reaches this time value.
      See Also:

      public static final String ENGINESPRIORITY
      Allows specifying execution engines priority and availability for particular execution. Overwrites global Engines Priority from Environment Options.
      See Also:

      public static final String EXCLUDEDELEMENTS
      A list of elements which will be excluded and not instantiated if not ready to be used or not needed, e.g. Classes, Packages, UseCases, Actors, Behaviors, Connectors, Ports, and States.
      See Also:

      public static final String EXECUTIONLISTENERS
      The list of execution listener which will receive event from the model execution. The execution listener could be SequenceDiagramGeneratorConfig.
      See Also:

      public static final String EXECUTIONTARGET
      Reference to model element to be executed. It can be Class, InstanceSpecification, StateMachine, Activity and others.
      See Also:

      public static final String INITIALIZEREFERENCES
      If true, references will be initialized by creating new objects, instead of referencing to existing parts of the system.
      See Also:

      public static final String INPUTPARAMETERS
      Use a SelectPropertiesConfig as the predefined list of inputs parameters.
      See Also:
    • LOG

      public static final String LOG
      Optional ExecutionLog element for execution events recording into special kind of model.
      See Also:

      public static final String NUMBEROFRUNS
      A preferred number of runs of the particular configuration, especially as sample size in Monte Carlo simulation. The value must be greater than or equal 1.
      See Also:

      public static final String NUMBEROFSTEPS
      If "stepSize" is not specified, but "startTime", "endTime", and "numberOfSteps" are specified. These values will be used to calculate a step size of the simulation clock.
      See Also:

      public static final String OPENSIMULATIONPANE
      Set to true, to open the Simulation pane when running a Simulation Configuration.
      See Also:

      public static final String OUTPUTPARAMETERS
      Use a SelectPropertiesConfig as the predefined list of outputs parameters.
      See Also:

      public static final String REMEMBERFAILURESTATUS
      If the value is true, simulation will keep the first failure status until the termination and record it as 'fail' even though it was 'pass' at the end.
      See Also:

      public static final String RESULTLOCATION
      Specify an instance specification or a package or an instance table for execution results recording. In case of instance specification, it should be an instance specification of the same classifier as main execution target. In case of package, a new instance specification with timestamp will be created in the specified package. In case of instance table, only properties selected as columns will be saved or overwritten.
      See Also:

      public static final String RUNFORKSINPARALLEL
      If this value is "true" or "undefined", all outgoing edges from Fork will run in parallel.
      See Also:

      public static final String SHOWACTIVESTATEIMAGES
      Select 'On Part shapes' to show active state images on Part shapes. Select 'In the Simulation UI' to show active state images in the simulation UI dialog.
      See Also:

      public static final String SHOWACTIVESTATESONPARTSHAPES
      If true, active states are shown on Part shapes.
      See Also:

      public static final String SHOWFLOWINGINFORMATION
      Set to true to show the label of a flowing item on a path. If the property is set to false, a path is only highlighted when an item is flowing.
      See Also:

      Set to true to display held tokens that are displayed on Pins and Activity Parameter Nodes.
      See Also:

      public static final String SHOWRUNTIMEVALUESONPARTSHAPES
      If true, runtime values are shown on Part shapes instead of default values.
      See Also:
    • SILENT

      public static final String SILENT
      When silent = true, animation is not used and artificial slowdown is disabled. It is recommended to use silent execution if any timing events are used in the model.
      See Also:

      public static final String SOLVEAFTERINITIALIZATION
      When true, invokes initial solving automatically. Otherwise, manually invoke is required via Refresh in Variables pane or Start (F8)
      See Also:

      public static final String STARTTIME
      If value is specified, the simulation clock will be started with this value.
      See Also:

      public static final String STARTWEBSERVER
      If true and "Web Server for Cameo Simulation Toolkit" plugin is installed, UI configs will be served as HTML pages. Click on the URL in the console to open UI in a web browser.
      See Also:

      public static final String STARTUPDIAGRAM
      Specify the diagram that is opened automatically when running a Simulation Configuration.
      See Also:

      public static final String STEPDELAY
      If value is specified, the simulation clock will be delayed with this value for each time step.
      See Also:

      public static final String STEPSIZE
      If value is specified and more than 0, the simulation clock will use this value to step to increase the simulation time.
      See Also:

      If set to true, a streaming activity terminates when each of its output parameters receives a cumulative number of values equal to the upper bound of the parameter multiplicity. If set to false, a streaming activity terminates when forced by the activity final node or termination of the activity that invoked it.
      See Also:

      public static final String TIMEUNIT
      If value is specified, it will be the unit of the simulation time. Otherwise, millisecond will be used.
      See Also:

      public static final String TIMEVALUE
      If a value is specified, it will be used as the simulation time for the model-based clock only.
      See Also:

      public static final String TIMEVARIABLENAME
      The time variable name which can be referred in any scripts to access the simulation time.
      See Also:

      public static final String TREATALLCLASSIFIERSASACTIVE
      If true, isActive property of all classifier will be treated as true for execution.
      See Also:

      public static final String WATCHPROPERTIES
      Use a SelectPropertiesConfig as the predefined list of properties to monitor in the Watch
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SimulationConfigStereotype

      protected SimulationConfigStereotype(SimulationProfile profile)
  • Method Details

    • getStereotype

      public Stereotype getStereotype()
      Description copied from class: ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
      Returns stereotype for this wrapper.
      Specified by:
      getStereotype in class ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
    • getUIProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getUIProperty()
    • getAddControlPanelProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getAddControlPanelProperty()
    • getAllowConcurrentAllocatedActivitiesProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getAllowConcurrentAllocatedActivitiesProperty()
    • getAnimationSpeedProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getAnimationSpeedProperty()
    • getAutoConvertUnitsProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getAutoConvertUnitsProperty()
    • getAutoStartProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getAutoStartProperty()
    • getAutoTerminateProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getAutoTerminateProperty()
    • getAutomaticParametricRecalculationProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getAutomaticParametricRecalculationProperty()
    • getAutostartActiveObjectsProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getAutostartActiveObjectsProperty()
    • getCaptureTimestampProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getCaptureTimestampProperty()
    • getClockratioProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getClockratioProperty()
    • getCloneReferencesProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getCloneReferencesProperty()
    • getConstraintFailureAsBreakpointProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getConstraintFailureAsBreakpointProperty()
    • getDecimalPlacesProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getDecimalPlacesProperty()
    • getDurationSimulationModeProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getDurationSimulationModeProperty()
    • getEndTimeProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getEndTimeProperty()
    • getEnginesPriorityProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getEnginesPriorityProperty()
    • getExcludedElementsProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getExcludedElementsProperty()
    • getExecutionListenersProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getExecutionListenersProperty()
    • getExecutionTargetProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getExecutionTargetProperty()
    • getInitializeReferencesProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getInitializeReferencesProperty()
    • getInputParametersProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getInputParametersProperty()
    • getLogProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getLogProperty()
    • getNumberOfRunsProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getNumberOfRunsProperty()
    • getNumberOfStepsProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getNumberOfStepsProperty()
    • getOpenSimulationPaneProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getOpenSimulationPaneProperty()
    • getOutputParametersProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getOutputParametersProperty()
    • getRememberFailureStatusProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getRememberFailureStatusProperty()
    • getResultLocationProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getResultLocationProperty()
    • getRunForksInParallelProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getRunForksInParallelProperty()
    • getShowActiveStateImagesProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getShowActiveStateImagesProperty()
    • getShowActiveStatesOnPartShapesProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getShowActiveStatesOnPartShapesProperty()
    • getShowFlowingInformationProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getShowFlowingInformationProperty()
    • getShowHeldTokensInActivityDiagramsProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getShowHeldTokensInActivityDiagramsProperty()
    • getShowRuntimeValuesOnPartShapesProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getShowRuntimeValuesOnPartShapesProperty()
    • getSilentProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getSilentProperty()
    • getSolveAfterInitializationProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getSolveAfterInitializationProperty()
    • getStartTimeProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getStartTimeProperty()
    • getStartWebServerProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getStartWebServerProperty()
    • getStartupDiagramProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getStartupDiagramProperty()
    • getStepDelayProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getStepDelayProperty()
    • getStepSizeProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getStepSizeProperty()
    • getTerminateStreamingBehaviorsByOutputParameterMultiplicityProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getTerminateStreamingBehaviorsByOutputParameterMultiplicityProperty()
    • getTimeUnitProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getTimeUnitProperty()
    • getTimeValueProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getTimeValueProperty()
    • getTimeVariableNameProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getTimeVariableNameProperty()
    • getTreatAllClassifiersAsActiveProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getTreatAllClassifiersAsActiveProperty()
    • getWatchPropertiesProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getWatchPropertiesProperty()
    • setUI

      public void setUI(Element element, @CheckForNull Collection<? extends Element> value)
    • clearUI

      public void clearUI(Element element)
    • addUI

      public void addUI(Element element, Element value)
    • removeUI

      public void removeUI(Element element, Element value)
    • getUI

      public List<Element> getUI(Element element)
    • setAddControlPanel

      public void setAddControlPanel(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearAddControlPanel

      public void clearAddControlPanel(Element element)
    • isAddControlPanel

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isAddControlPanel(Element element)
    • setAllowConcurrentAllocatedActivities

      public void setAllowConcurrentAllocatedActivities(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearAllowConcurrentAllocatedActivities

      public void clearAllowConcurrentAllocatedActivities(Element element)
    • isAllowConcurrentAllocatedActivities

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isAllowConcurrentAllocatedActivities(Element element)
    • setAnimationSpeed

      public void setAnimationSpeed(Element element, @CheckForNull Integer value)
    • clearAnimationSpeed

      public void clearAnimationSpeed(Element element)
    • getAnimationSpeed

      @CheckForNull public Integer getAnimationSpeed(Element element)
    • setAutoConvertUnits

      public void setAutoConvertUnits(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearAutoConvertUnits

      public void clearAutoConvertUnits(Element element)
    • isAutoConvertUnits

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isAutoConvertUnits(Element element)
    • setAutoStart

      public void setAutoStart(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearAutoStart

      public void clearAutoStart(Element element)
    • isAutoStart

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isAutoStart(Element element)
    • setAutoTerminate

      public void setAutoTerminate(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearAutoTerminate

      public void clearAutoTerminate(Element element)
    • isAutoTerminate

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isAutoTerminate(Element element)
    • setAutomaticParametricRecalculation

      public void setAutomaticParametricRecalculation(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearAutomaticParametricRecalculation

      public void clearAutomaticParametricRecalculation(Element element)
    • isAutomaticParametricRecalculation

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isAutomaticParametricRecalculation(Element element)
    • setAutostartActiveObjects

      public void setAutostartActiveObjects(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearAutostartActiveObjects

      public void clearAutostartActiveObjects(Element element)
    • isAutostartActiveObjects

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isAutostartActiveObjects(Element element)
    • setCaptureTimestamp

      public void setCaptureTimestamp(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearCaptureTimestamp

      public void clearCaptureTimestamp(Element element)
    • isCaptureTimestamp

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isCaptureTimestamp(Element element)
    • setClockratio

      public void setClockratio(Element element, @CheckForNull String value)
    • clearClockratio

      public void clearClockratio(Element element)
    • getClockratio

      @CheckForNull public String getClockratio(Element element)
    • setCloneReferences

      public void setCloneReferences(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearCloneReferences

      public void clearCloneReferences(Element element)
    • isCloneReferences

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isCloneReferences(Element element)
    • setConstraintFailureAsBreakpoint

      public void setConstraintFailureAsBreakpoint(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearConstraintFailureAsBreakpoint

      public void clearConstraintFailureAsBreakpoint(Element element)
    • isConstraintFailureAsBreakpoint

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isConstraintFailureAsBreakpoint(Element element)
    • setDecimalPlaces

      public void setDecimalPlaces(Element element, @CheckForNull Integer value)
    • clearDecimalPlaces

      public void clearDecimalPlaces(Element element)
    • getDecimalPlaces

      @CheckForNull public Integer getDecimalPlaces(Element element)
    • setDurationSimulationMode

      public void setDurationSimulationMode(Element element, @CheckForNull SimulationProfile.DurationSimulationModeEnum value)
    • clearDurationSimulationMode

      public void clearDurationSimulationMode(Element element)
    • getDurationSimulationMode

      @CheckForNull public SimulationProfile.DurationSimulationModeEnum getDurationSimulationMode(Element element)
    • setEndTime

      public void setEndTime(Element element, @CheckForNull Integer value)
    • clearEndTime

      public void clearEndTime(Element element)
    • getEndTime

      @CheckForNull public Integer getEndTime(Element element)
    • setEnginesPriority

      public void setEnginesPriority(Element element, @CheckForNull String value)
    • clearEnginesPriority

      public void clearEnginesPriority(Element element)
    • getEnginesPriority

      @CheckForNull public String getEnginesPriority(Element element)
    • setExcludedElements

      public void setExcludedElements(Element element, @CheckForNull Collection<? extends Element> value)
    • clearExcludedElements

      public void clearExcludedElements(Element element)
    • addExcludedElements

      public void addExcludedElements(Element element, Element value)
    • removeExcludedElements

      public void removeExcludedElements(Element element, Element value)
    • getExcludedElements

      public List<Element> getExcludedElements(Element element)
    • setExecutionListeners

      public void setExecutionListeners(Element element, @CheckForNull Collection<? extends Element> value)
    • clearExecutionListeners

      public void clearExecutionListeners(Element element)
    • addExecutionListeners

      public void addExecutionListeners(Element element, Element value)
    • removeExecutionListeners

      public void removeExecutionListeners(Element element, Element value)
    • getExecutionListeners

      public List<Element> getExecutionListeners(Element element)
    • setExecutionTarget

      public void setExecutionTarget(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearExecutionTarget

      public void clearExecutionTarget(Element element)
    • getExecutionTarget

      @CheckForNull public Element getExecutionTarget(Element element)
    • setInitializeReferences

      public void setInitializeReferences(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearInitializeReferences

      public void clearInitializeReferences(Element element)
    • isInitializeReferences

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isInitializeReferences(Element element)
    • setInputParameters

      public void setInputParameters(Element element, @CheckForNull Collection<? extends Element> value)
    • clearInputParameters

      public void clearInputParameters(Element element)
    • addInputParameters

      public void addInputParameters(Element element, Element value)
    • removeInputParameters

      public void removeInputParameters(Element element, Element value)
    • getInputParameters

      public List<Element> getInputParameters(Element element)
    • setLog

      public void setLog(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearLog

      public void clearLog(Element element)
    • getLog

      @CheckForNull public Element getLog(Element element)
    • setNumberOfRuns

      public void setNumberOfRuns(Element element, @CheckForNull Integer value)
    • clearNumberOfRuns

      public void clearNumberOfRuns(Element element)
    • getNumberOfRuns

      @CheckForNull public Integer getNumberOfRuns(Element element)
    • setNumberOfSteps

      public void setNumberOfSteps(Element element, @CheckForNull Integer value)
    • clearNumberOfSteps

      public void clearNumberOfSteps(Element element)
    • getNumberOfSteps

      @CheckForNull public Integer getNumberOfSteps(Element element)
    • setOpenSimulationPane

      public void setOpenSimulationPane(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearOpenSimulationPane

      public void clearOpenSimulationPane(Element element)
    • isOpenSimulationPane

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isOpenSimulationPane(Element element)
    • setOutputParameters

      public void setOutputParameters(Element element, @CheckForNull Collection<? extends Element> value)
    • clearOutputParameters

      public void clearOutputParameters(Element element)
    • addOutputParameters

      public void addOutputParameters(Element element, Element value)
    • removeOutputParameters

      public void removeOutputParameters(Element element, Element value)
    • getOutputParameters

      public List<Element> getOutputParameters(Element element)
    • setRememberFailureStatus

      public void setRememberFailureStatus(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearRememberFailureStatus

      public void clearRememberFailureStatus(Element element)
    • isRememberFailureStatus

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isRememberFailureStatus(Element element)
    • setResultLocation

      public void setResultLocation(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearResultLocation

      public void clearResultLocation(Element element)
    • getResultLocation

      @CheckForNull public Element getResultLocation(Element element)
    • setRunForksInParallel

      public void setRunForksInParallel(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearRunForksInParallel

      public void clearRunForksInParallel(Element element)
    • isRunForksInParallel

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isRunForksInParallel(Element element)
    • setShowActiveStateImages

      public void setShowActiveStateImages(Element element, @CheckForNull SimulationProfile.ActiveStateImagesEnum value)
    • clearShowActiveStateImages

      public void clearShowActiveStateImages(Element element)
    • getShowActiveStateImages

      @CheckForNull public SimulationProfile.ActiveStateImagesEnum getShowActiveStateImages(Element element)
    • setShowActiveStatesOnPartShapes

      public void setShowActiveStatesOnPartShapes(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearShowActiveStatesOnPartShapes

      public void clearShowActiveStatesOnPartShapes(Element element)
    • isShowActiveStatesOnPartShapes

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isShowActiveStatesOnPartShapes(Element element)
    • setShowFlowingInformation

      public void setShowFlowingInformation(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearShowFlowingInformation

      public void clearShowFlowingInformation(Element element)
    • isShowFlowingInformation

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isShowFlowingInformation(Element element)
    • setShowHeldTokensInActivityDiagrams

      public void setShowHeldTokensInActivityDiagrams(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearShowHeldTokensInActivityDiagrams

      public void clearShowHeldTokensInActivityDiagrams(Element element)
    • isShowHeldTokensInActivityDiagrams

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isShowHeldTokensInActivityDiagrams(Element element)
    • setShowRuntimeValuesOnPartShapes

      public void setShowRuntimeValuesOnPartShapes(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearShowRuntimeValuesOnPartShapes

      public void clearShowRuntimeValuesOnPartShapes(Element element)
    • isShowRuntimeValuesOnPartShapes

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isShowRuntimeValuesOnPartShapes(Element element)
    • setSilent

      public void setSilent(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearSilent

      public void clearSilent(Element element)
    • isSilent

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isSilent(Element element)
    • setSolveAfterInitialization

      public void setSolveAfterInitialization(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearSolveAfterInitialization

      public void clearSolveAfterInitialization(Element element)
    • isSolveAfterInitialization

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isSolveAfterInitialization(Element element)
    • setStartTime

      public void setStartTime(Element element, @CheckForNull Integer value)
    • clearStartTime

      public void clearStartTime(Element element)
    • getStartTime

      @CheckForNull public Integer getStartTime(Element element)
    • setStartWebServer

      public void setStartWebServer(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearStartWebServer

      public void clearStartWebServer(Element element)
    • isStartWebServer

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isStartWebServer(Element element)
    • setStartupDiagram

      public void setStartupDiagram(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearStartupDiagram

      public void clearStartupDiagram(Element element)
    • getStartupDiagram

      @CheckForNull public Element getStartupDiagram(Element element)
    • setStepDelay

      public void setStepDelay(Element element, @CheckForNull Double value)
    • clearStepDelay

      public void clearStepDelay(Element element)
    • getStepDelay

      @CheckForNull public Double getStepDelay(Element element)
    • setStepSize

      public void setStepSize(Element element, @CheckForNull Double value)
    • clearStepSize

      public void clearStepSize(Element element)
    • getStepSize

      @CheckForNull public Double getStepSize(Element element)
    • setTerminateStreamingBehaviorsByOutputParameterMultiplicity

      public void setTerminateStreamingBehaviorsByOutputParameterMultiplicity(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearTerminateStreamingBehaviorsByOutputParameterMultiplicity

      public void clearTerminateStreamingBehaviorsByOutputParameterMultiplicity(Element element)
    • isTerminateStreamingBehaviorsByOutputParameterMultiplicity

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isTerminateStreamingBehaviorsByOutputParameterMultiplicity(Element element)
    • setTimeUnit

      public void setTimeUnit(Element element, @CheckForNull SimulationProfile.TimeUnitKindEnum value)
    • clearTimeUnit

      public void clearTimeUnit(Element element)
    • getTimeUnit

      @CheckForNull public SimulationProfile.TimeUnitKindEnum getTimeUnit(Element element)
    • setTimeValue

      public void setTimeValue(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearTimeValue

      public void clearTimeValue(Element element)
    • getTimeValue

      @CheckForNull public Element getTimeValue(Element element)
    • setTimeVariableName

      public void setTimeVariableName(Element element, @CheckForNull String value)
    • clearTimeVariableName

      public void clearTimeVariableName(Element element)
    • getTimeVariableName

      @CheckForNull public String getTimeVariableName(Element element)
    • setTreatAllClassifiersAsActive

      public void setTreatAllClassifiersAsActive(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearTreatAllClassifiersAsActive

      public void clearTreatAllClassifiersAsActive(Element element)
    • isTreatAllClassifiersAsActive

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isTreatAllClassifiersAsActive(Element element)
    • setWatchProperties

      public void setWatchProperties(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearWatchProperties

      public void clearWatchProperties(Element element)
    • getWatchProperties

      @CheckForNull public Element getWatchProperties(Element element)
    • clear

      protected void clear()
    • is

      public boolean is(@CheckForNull Element element)
    • isInstance

      public static boolean isInstance(@CheckForNull Element element)