Class UAF.ViewStereotype

Enclosing class:

public static class UAF.ViewStereotype extends ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
  • Field Details


      public static final String STEREOTYPE_NAME
      See Also:

      public static final String VIEWPOINT_FROM_UAF
      Relates the View to the Viewpoint that the View conforms to.
      See Also:
    • URI

      public static final String URI
      Captures Unique identifier for the element.
      See Also:

      public static final String CONFORMSTO
      Relates a UAFElement to the Standard that the UAFElement is conforming to.
      See Also:

      public static final String STAKEHOLDER
      See Also:

      public static final String VIEWPOINT_FROM_SYSML
      The viewpoint for this View, derived from the supplier of the conform dependency whose client is this View.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ViewStereotype

      protected ViewStereotype(UAF profile)
  • Method Details

    • getStereotype

      public Stereotype getStereotype()
      Description copied from class: ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
      Returns stereotype for this wrapper.
      Specified by:
      getStereotype in class ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
    • getViewpointProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getViewpointProperty()
    • getURIProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getURIProperty()
    • getConformsToProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getConformsToProperty()
    • getStakeholderProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getStakeholderProperty()
    • getViewPointProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getViewPointProperty()
    • setViewpoint

      public void setViewpoint(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearViewpoint

      public void clearViewpoint(Element element)
    • getViewpoint

      @CheckForNull public Element getViewpoint(Element element)
    • setURI

      public void setURI(Element element, @CheckForNull String value)
    • clearURI

      public void clearURI(Element element)
    • getURI

      @CheckForNull public String getURI(Element element)
    • setConformsTo

      public void setConformsTo(Element element, @CheckForNull Collection<? extends Element> value)
    • clearConformsTo

      public void clearConformsTo(Element element)
    • addConformsTo

      public void addConformsTo(Element element, Element value)
    • removeConformsTo

      public void removeConformsTo(Element element, Element value)
    • getConformsTo

      public List<Element> getConformsTo(Element element)
    • setStakeholder

      public void setStakeholder(Element element, @CheckForNull Collection<? extends Element> value)
    • clearStakeholder

      public void clearStakeholder(Element element)
    • addStakeholder

      public void addStakeholder(Element element, Element value)
    • removeStakeholder

      public void removeStakeholder(Element element, Element value)
    • getStakeholder

      public List<Element> getStakeholder(Element element)
    • setViewPoint

      public void setViewPoint(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearViewPoint

      public void clearViewPoint(Element element)
    • getViewPoint

      @CheckForNull public Element getViewPoint(Element element)
    • clear

      protected void clear()
    • is

      public boolean is(@CheckForNull Element element)
    • isInstance

      public static boolean isInstance(@CheckForNull Element element)