Class SpecificationRecord


@OpenApiAll public class SpecificationRecord extends com.nomagic.magicdraw.ui.dialogs.specifications.SpecificationSelection
This class defines a reference to some page inside an Element specification window.

To reference "Attributes" or "Tagged Values" panels inside specification dialog use such constructors

  new SpecificationRecord(element, new String[]{element.getID(), IConfigurableNode.ATTRIBUTES})
  new SpecificationRecord(element, new String[]{element.getID(), IConfigurableNode.TAGS})

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SpecificationRecord

      public SpecificationRecord(Element element, @CheckForNull String[] path)
      Constructs a reference to a specification dialog page

        new SpecificationRecord(element, new String[]{element.getID(), IConfigurableNode.ATTRIBUTES})
        new SpecificationRecord(element, new String[]{element.getID(), IConfigurableNode.TAGS})

      element - element
      path - inner node path (null means root node)
    • SpecificationRecord

      public SpecificationRecord(Element element, @CheckForNull String[] path, @CheckForNull String property)
      Constructs a reference to a specification dialog page

        new SpecificationRecord(element, null, PropertyNames.OWNER)

      element - element
      path - inner node path (null means root node)
      property - id of property to select and activate inside a property pane referenced by path
      See Also: