Class NotificationViewBuilder


@OpenApiAll public abstract class NotificationViewBuilder extends Object
Base class for MagicDraw notification builders, that creates and shows notification popups. User who wants to display his own notification popups in MagicDraw, must create builder implementing this interface and register it with NotificationManager
  • Constructor Details

    • NotificationViewBuilder

      public NotificationViewBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • createNotificationView

      public abstract Component createNotificationView(AbstractNotification notification, @CheckForNull Component owner, @CheckForNull NotificationViewConfig config)
      Constructs popup that displays message to the user
      notification - notification data
      owner - newly created popup owner
      config - notification view configuration parameters
      created popup that displays message to the user
    • showNotificationView

      @CheckForNull public abstract Component showNotificationView(AbstractNotification notification, @CheckForNull Component owner, @CheckForNull NotificationViewConfig config)
      Shows popup that displays message to the user
      notification - notification data
      owner - newly created popup owner
      config - notification view configuration parameters
      popup that displays message to the user
    • hideNotification

      public abstract void hideNotification(@CheckForNull String notificationID)
      Closes all notifications with specified id
      notificationID - notification id
    • hideNotifications

      public abstract void hideNotifications(@CheckForNull Component owner)
      Closes notifications that belong to provided component
    • isVisible

      public abstract boolean isVisible(@CheckForNull String notificationID)
      Returns true if notification with specified id is still visible.
      notificationID - notification id