Class ZoomHelper


@OpenApi public class ZoomHelper extends Object
Helper functions to display zoomed GUI components
  • Method Details

    • getScaledSize

      @OpenApi public static int getScaledSize(int size, float zoomFactor)
      Takes the provided integer and scales (multiplies) it by the given zoomFactor. Trims the floating part of the result down.
      scaled size
    • getOriginalSize

      @OpenApi public static int getOriginalSize(int scaledSize, float zoomFactor)
      Opposite method to getScaledSize(int, float). Takes the provided scaledSize, which is already scaled by the given zoomFactor and returns the original not scaled size, by dividing the scaledSize from zoomFactor.
      not scaled size
    • getScaledFont

      @OpenApi @CheckForNull public static Font getScaledFont(@CheckForNull Font font, float zoomFactor)
      Takes the provided font and scales it's size by the given zoomFactor.
      scaled font
    • getScaledIcon

      @OpenApi @CheckForNull public static Icon getScaledIcon(@CheckForNull Icon icon, float zoomFactor)
      Takes the provided icon and scales it's size by the given zoomFactor. Icon caching is used to prevent repeated scaling of the same icon and zoomFactor.
      scaled icon
    • zoomComponent

      @OpenApi public static boolean zoomComponent(Component component, float zoomFactor)
      If component implements Zoomable interface, zooms the component by the given factor. If component does not implement Zoomable, but it is a Container, then looks for Zoomable inner components recursively and zooms each of them.
      true if component or at least one of it's sub components was zoomed
      See Also:
    • zoomComponents

      @OpenApi public static boolean zoomComponents(Container container, float zoomFactor)
      Iterates through inner components recursively and zooms all components that implement Zoomable interface.
      true if at least one of Container's inner components is Zoomable