Interface ExtractReference

@OpenApiAll public interface ExtractReference
Represents logical model relation from the extract source to the extract target. In the concrete refactoring this reference can be represented as connector (composite structures), object flow (activities), transition (states), message (interactions).
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    setCreate(boolean create)
    Flag value which indicates whether reference should be created during refactoring.
    Sets name of the reference.
    setType(Type type)
    Sets type of the reference.
  • Method Details

    • setCreate

      void setCreate(boolean create)
      Flag value which indicates whether reference should be created during refactoring.
      create - create flag value.
    • setName

      void setName(String name)
      Sets name of the reference. This name is used to name the elements which represent the reference in the model.
      name - name to set.
    • setType

      void setType(Type type)
      Sets type of the reference. This type is used to type the elements which represent the reference in the model. For example, in activity extract the type is used to type activity parameters, activity parameter nodes, pins. In extract structure it is used to type ports.
      type - type to set.