Class ModelTextCreator


@OpenApiAll public class ModelTextCreator extends CoreTextCreator
Contains methods to create representation text for various model elements
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ModelTextCreator

      public ModelTextCreator()
  • Method Details

    • createActivityEdgeText

      public static TextBuilder createActivityEdgeText(ActivityEdge activityEdge, boolean showWeight, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given ActivityEdge.
      activityEdge - element to create representation text for
      showWeight - when true, weight information will be included to the text
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the activity edge's text appended
    • createConstraintsText

      public static TextBuilder createConstraintsText(Collection<Constraint> constraints, ConstraintTextParams textParams, String separator, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation for the given collection of Constraint elements.
      constraints - collection of constraint elements to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the constraint
      separator - symbol(s) to separate each constraint's text with
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the constraints' text appended
      See Also:
    • createConstraintText

      public static TextBuilder createConstraintText(@CheckForNull Constraint constraint, ConstraintTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given Constraint.
      constraint - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the constraint
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the constraint's text appended
    • createPinText

      public static TextBuilder createPinText(Pin pin, PinTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given Pin.
      pin - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the pin
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the pin's text appended
    • createCombinedFragmentOperatorText

      public static TextBuilder createCombinedFragmentOperatorText(CombinedFragment combinedFragment, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given CombinedFragment.
      combinedFragment - element to create representation text for
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the combinedFragment's text appended
    • createOperandGuardText

      public static TextBuilder createOperandGuardText(InteractionOperand interactionOperand, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation for the guard of the given InteractionOperand.
      interactionOperand - element to create representation text for
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the guard's text appended
    • createTransitionText

      public static TextBuilder createTransitionText(Transition transition, TransitionTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given Transition. Keep in mind that text is different for protocol transition.
      Syntax of Transition: trigger[guard]/effect.
      Syntax of ProtocolTransition: [precondition]trigger/[postcondition].
      transition - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the ?
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the transition's text appended
    • createProtocolTransitionText

      public static TextBuilder createProtocolTransitionText(ProtocolTransition transition, TransitionTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given ProtocolTransition. Syntax: [precondition]trigger/[postcondition].
      transition - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the ?
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the transition's text appended
    • createTriggersText

      public static TextBuilder createTriggersText(Collection<?> triggers, TriggerTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation for the given collection of Trigger elements, separated by comma.
      triggers - collection of trigger elements to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the trigger
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the trigger's text appended
      See Also:
    • createTriggerText

      public static TextBuilder createTriggerText(Trigger trigger, TriggerTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given Trigger.
      trigger - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the trigger
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the trigger's text appended
    • createEventText

      public static TextBuilder createEventText(Event event, EventTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given Event.
      event - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the event
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the event's text appended
    • createBehaviorText

      public static TextBuilder createBehaviorText(Behavior behavior, BehaviorTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given Behavior.
      behavior - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the behavior
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the behavior's text appended
    • createInteractionUseText

      public static TextBuilder createInteractionUseText(InteractionUse interactionUse, InteractionUseTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given InteractionUse.
      interactionUse - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the interactionUse
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the interactionUse's text appended
    • createInteractionUseText

      public static TextBuilder createInteractionUseText(CallBehaviorAction callBehaviorAction, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given CallBehaviorAction that is displayed as InteractionUse.
      callBehaviorAction - element to create representation text for
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the action's text appended
    • createMessageText

      public static TextBuilder createMessageText(Message message, MessageTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given Message.
      message - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the message
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the message's text appended
    • createAssociationText

      public static TextBuilder createAssociationText(Association association, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given Association.
      association - element to create representation text for
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the association's text appended
    • createStateText

      public static TextBuilder createStateText(State state, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given State.
      state - element to create representation text for
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the state's text appended
    • createParametersText

      public static TextBuilder createParametersText(Collection<Parameter> parameters, ParameterTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation for the given collection of Parameter elements, separated by comma
      parameters - collection of parameters to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of each parameter
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the parameters' text appended
    • createParameterText

      public static TextBuilder createParameterText(Parameter parameter, ParameterTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given Parameter.
      parameter - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the parameter
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the parameter's text appended
    • createParameterDirectionText

      public static TextBuilder createParameterDirectionText(@CheckForNull ParameterDirectionKind parameterDirection, com.nomagic.uml2.project.ElementProject project, ParameterDirectionTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given ParameterDirectionKind
      parameterDirection - direction to create representation text for
      project - project to which parameter belongs
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the parameter direction
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the parameter direction text appended
    • createOperationText

      public static TextBuilder createOperationText(Operation operation, OperationTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given Operation.
      operation - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the operation
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the operation's text appended
    • createReceptionText

      public static TextBuilder createReceptionText(Reception reception, ReceptionTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given Reception.
      reception - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the reception
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the reception's text appended
    • createPropertyText

      public static TextBuilder createPropertyText(Property property, PropertyTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given Property.
      property - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the property
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the property's text appended
    • createActivityParameterNodeText

      public static TextBuilder createActivityParameterNodeText(ActivityParameterNode parameterNode, boolean showFullType, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given ActivityParameterNode.
      parameterNode - element to create representation text for
      showFullType - true if qualified name should be included in the text of node's type
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the node's text appended
    • createGuardText

      public static TextBuilder createGuardText(Message message, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the provided message's guard.
      message - element for which guard representation text has to be created
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the guard's text appended
    • createEnumerationLiteralText

      public static TextBuilder createEnumerationLiteralText(EnumerationLiteral enumerationLiteral, MemberTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given EnumerationLiteral.
      enumerationLiteral - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the enumeration literal
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the enumeration literal's text appended
    • createTemplateParameterText

      public static TextBuilder createTemplateParameterText(TemplateParameter templateParameter, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given TemplateParameter.
      templateParameter - element to create representation text for
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the template parameter's text appended
    • createTemplateParametersText

      public static TextBuilder createTemplateParametersText(Collection<TemplateParameter> templateParameters, String separator, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation for the given collection of TemplateParameter elements.
      templateParameters - collection of template parameter elements to create representation text for
      separator - symbol(s) to separate each parameter's text with
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the parameters' text appended
      See Also:
    • createTemplateBindingText

      public static TextBuilder createTemplateBindingText(TemplateBinding templateBinding, boolean showTemplateParameterInfo, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given TemplateBinding.
      templateBinding - element to create representation text for
      showTemplateParameterInfo - indicates if full template parameter notation should be used.
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the template binding's text appended
    • createTemplateParameterSubstitutionText

      public static TextBuilder createTemplateParameterSubstitutionText(TemplateParameterSubstitution parameterSubstitution, boolean showTemplateParameterInfo, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given TemplateParameterSubstitution.
      parameterSubstitution - element to create representation text for
      showTemplateParameterInfo - indicates if full template parameter notation should be used.
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the parameter substitution's text appended
    • createInstanceSpecificationText

      public static TextBuilder createInstanceSpecificationText(InstanceSpecification instance, InstanceSpecificationTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given InstanceSpecification.
      instance - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the instance
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the instance's text appended
    • createInstanceSpecificationText

      public static TextBuilder createInstanceSpecificationText(InstanceSpecification instance, InstanceSpecificationTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory, Predicate<Element> classifierFilter)
      Creates string representation of the given InstanceSpecification.
      instance - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the instance
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      classifierFilter - provides ability to filter classifiers.
      builder with the instance's text appended
    • createRelationshipFromToText

      public static TextBuilder createRelationshipFromToText(Element relationship, @CheckForNull Element clientModelElement, String clientName, @CheckForNull Element supplierModelElement, String supplierName, boolean addFullQualifiedName, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Create relation representation text part to represent from what element to what element relation is connected. For example if we connect Connector to 2 properties a and b, that are Owned by class Class1. In Containment browser we would see "Connector[Class1::a - Class1::b]" so this method returns the part for the representation "[Class1::a - Class1::b]".
      relationship - relationship for which we want the representation part
      clientModelElement - first (from) element
      clientName - name or custom text of first (from) element
      supplierModelElement - second (to) element
      supplierName - name or custom text of second (to) element
      addFullQualifiedName - if true, full qualified name will be added to client and supplier names
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the relation text appended
    • appendAssociationEnd

      public static void appendAssociationEnd(Property property, TextBuilder builder)
    • createTypedElementText

      public static TextBuilder createTypedElementText(TypedElement typedElement, TypedElementTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given TypedElement.
      typedElement - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of the typed element
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append the created text to
      builder with the typed element's text appended
    • createSlotsTextWithBraces

      public static TextBuilder createSlotsTextWithBraces(Collection<Slot> slots, SlotTextParams textParams, String separator, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of given slots collection, wrapped between '{' and '}'.
      slots - collection of slots
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of a slot
      separator - symbol(s) to separate each slot's text with
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append created text to
      builder with the slots text appended
    • createSlotsText

      public static TextBuilder createSlotsText(Collection<Slot> slots, SlotTextParams textParams, String separator, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of given slots collection (without braces).
      slots - collection of slots
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of a slot
      separator - symbol(s) to separate each slot's text with
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append created text to
      builder with the slots text appended
    • createSlotText

      public static TextBuilder createSlotText(Slot slot, SlotTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given slot.
      slot - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of a slot
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append created text to
      builder with the slot's text appended
    • createSlotText

      public static TextBuilder createSlotText(Slot slot, SlotTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory, RepTextContext context)
      Creates string representation of the given slot.
      slot - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of a slot
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append created text to
      context - representation text creator invoker
      builder with the slot's text appended
    • createTaggedValuesText

      public static TextBuilder createTaggedValuesText(Collection<TaggedValue> taggedValues, TaggedValueTextParams textParams, String separator, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of given taggedValues collection (without braces).
      taggedValues - collection of taggedValues
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of a slot
      separator - symbol(s) to separate each slot's text with
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append created text to
      builder with the taggedValues text appended
    • createTaggedValueText

      public static TextBuilder createTaggedValueText(TaggedValue taggedValue, TaggedValueTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of the given taggedValue.
      taggedValue - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of a taggedValue
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append created text to
      builder with the taggedValue's text appended
    • createTaggedValueText

      public static TextBuilder createTaggedValueText(TaggedValue taggedValue, TaggedValueTextParams textParams, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory, RepTextContext context)
      Creates string representation of the given taggedValue.
      taggedValue - element to create representation text for
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of a taggedValue
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append created text to
      builder with the taggedValue's text appended
    • createTaggedValuesTextWithBraces

      public static TextBuilder createTaggedValuesTextWithBraces(Collection<TaggedValue> taggedValues, TaggedValueTextParams textParams, String separator, Supplier<TextBuilder> builderFactory)
      Creates string representation of given taggedValues collection, wrapped between '{' and '}'.
      taggedValues - collection of taggedValues
      textParams - configuration that defines what to include in the text of a slot
      separator - symbol(s) to separate each slot's text with
      builderFactory - provides TextBuilder to append created text to
      builder with the taggedValues text appended