Interface ResizableIcon

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, Icon
All Known Implementing Classes:
AlphaCompositeIcon, DoubleSizeImageIcon, ResizableIconAdapter, ResizableIconImageIcon, RetinaImageIcon, ScalableImageIcon, SquareIcon, SwingImageIcon

@OpenApiAll public interface ResizableIcon extends Icon, Cloneable
The icon which can be resized during the drawing.
  • Method Details

    • paintIcon

      void paintIcon(@CheckForNull Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h)
      Draw the icon in the given bounds. Icon implementations may use the Component argument to get properties useful for painting, e.g. the foreground or background color.
      c - the given component.
      g - the graphics to paint on.
      x - x coordinate.
      y - y coordinate.
      w - width to paint.
      h - height to paint.
    • clone

      Object clone()
      Returns cloned instance of this icon.
      cloned instance.