Package com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.helpers
package com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.helpers
ClassesClassDescriptionUtility class for working with UML classifiersUtility class for working with core UML elementsUtility class to work with stereotypes.Utility class to work with tagged values.Utility class to work with 'Image' property, which is contained by all elements.Structure, which contains information of image: content, format and location.Information Flow utilities.An utility class with utility methods operating on InstanceSpecification domain elementsHelper methods for dealing with model in interactions (sequence).Model Utility class.An utility class with utility methods operating on state machine domain elementsDeprecated.StereotypeByProfileCache.AbstractElementWrapper<ELEMENT extends Element>A helper class used to work with stereotypes and tagged values.Utility class to work with tagged values.An utility class with utility methods operating on use case domain elementsAn utility class to work with ValueSpecifications