All Superinterfaces:
BaseElement, Cloneable, Comparable, Element, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject, MDObject,, ModelObject, NamedElement, Namespace, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier, RedefinableElement, javax.jmi.reflect.RefBaseObject, javax.jmi.reflect.RefFeatured, javax.jmi.reflect.RefObject, State, Vertex

public interface FinalState extends State
A representation of the model object 'Final State'.

A special kind of State, which, when entered, signifies that the enclosing Region has completed. If the enclosing Region is directly contained in a StateMachine and all other Regions in that StateMachine also are completed, then it means that the entire StateMachine behavior is completed.

See Also:
annotation="MOF package='statemachines.mdbehaviorstatemachines'"