Class ImageExporter


@OpenApiAll public class ImageExporter extends Object
The exporter of diagrams to various images formats.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ImageExporter

      public ImageExporter()
  • Method Details

    • export

      @CheckForNull public static BufferedImage export(AbstractDiagramPresentationElement diagram, boolean justSelected) throws IOException
      Exports diagram into the BufferedImage. Exports all symbols from the diagram.
      diagram - the given diagram.
      justSelected - export only selected symbols in the diagram. If diagram does not have selected symbols, all symbols are exported
      the BufferedImage instance of the diagram.
      IOException - in case of some io error.
    • export

      @CheckForNull public static BufferedImage export(AbstractDiagramPresentationElement diagram, boolean justSelected, int scalePercent) throws IOException
      Exports diagram into the BufferedImage. Exports all symbols from the diagram.
      diagram - the given diagram.
      justSelected - export only selected symbols in the diagram. If diagram does not have selected symbols, all symbols are exported
      scalePercent - defines scaling the output image to given percentage. Value of 100 does not scale image.
      the BufferedImage instance of the diagram.
      IOException - in case of some io error.
    • export

      public static Rectangle export(AbstractDiagramPresentationElement diagram, int format, File file) throws IOException
      Exports diagram into given format image. Writes this image into given file. Exports all symbols from the diagram.
      diagram - the given diagram.
      format - format of the image.
      file - the output file
      saved image bounds(start point in the diagram and dimension of image).
      IOException - in case of some io error.
    • exportForResult

      public static ImageExportResult exportForResult(AbstractDiagramPresentationElement diagram, int format, File file) throws IOException
      Exports diagram into given format image. Writes this image into given file. Exports all symbols from the diagram.
      diagram - the given diagram.
      format - format of the image.
      file - the output file
      Image export result.
      IOException - in case of some io error.
    • export

      public static Rectangle export(AbstractDiagramPresentationElement diagram, int format, File file, boolean justSelected) throws IOException
      Exports diagram into given format image. Writes this image into given file. Exports all or just selected symbols from the diagram.
      diagram - the given diagram.
      format - format of the image.
      file - the output file
      justSelected - export only selected symbols in the diagram. If diagram does not have selected symbols, all symbols are exported
      saved image bounds(start point in the diagram and dimension of image).
      IOException - in case of some io error.
    • export

      @CheckForNull public static Rectangle export(AbstractDiagramPresentationElement diagram, int format, File file, boolean justSelected, @CheckForNull ProgressStatus progressStatus) throws IOException
      Exports diagram into given format image. Writes this image into given file. Exports all or just selected symbols from the diagram.
      diagram - the given diagram.
      format - format of the image.
      file - the output file
      justSelected - export only selected symbols in the diagram. If diagram does not have selected symbols, all symbols are exported
      progressStatus - instance of ProgressStatus can be null.
      saved image bounds(start point in the diagram and dimension of image).
      IOException - in case of some io error.
    • export

      @CheckForNull public static Rectangle export(AbstractDiagramPresentationElement diagram, int format, File file, boolean justSelected, @CheckForNull ProgressStatus progressStatus, @CheckForNull Supplier<org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGIDGenerator> idGeneratorSupplier) throws IOException
      Exports diagram into given format image. Writes this image into given file. Exports all or just selected symbols from the diagram.
      diagram - the given diagram.
      format - format of the image.
      file - the output file
      justSelected - export only selected symbols in the diagram. If diagram does not have selected symbols, all symbols are exported
      progressStatus - instance of ProgressStatus can be null.
      idGeneratorSupplier - supplier for custom SVGIDGenerator. Used to prevent id conflicts when exported SVG files are embedded in one HTML
      saved image bounds(start point in the diagram and dimension of image).
      IOException - in case of some io error.
    • exportForResult

      @CheckForNull public static ImageExportResult exportForResult(AbstractDiagramPresentationElement diagram, int format, File file, boolean justSelected, @CheckForNull ProgressStatus progressStatus) throws IOException
      Exports diagram into given format image. Writes this image into given file. Exports all or just selected symbols from the diagram.
      diagram - the given diagram.
      format - format of the image.
      file - the output file
      justSelected - export only selected symbols in the diagram. If diagram does not have selected symbols, all symbols are exported
      progressStatus - instance of ProgressStatus can be null.
      Image export result.
      IOException - in case of some io error.
    • exportForResult

      @CheckForNull public static ImageExportResult exportForResult(AbstractDiagramPresentationElement diagram, int format, File file, boolean justSelected, @CheckForNull ProgressStatus progressStatus, @CheckForNull Supplier<org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGIDGenerator> idGeneratorSupplier) throws IOException
      Exports diagram into given format image. Writes this image into given file. Exports all or just selected symbols from the diagram.
      diagram - the given diagram.
      format - format of the image.
      file - the output file
      justSelected - export only selected symbols in the diagram. If diagram does not have selected symbols, all symbols are exported
      progressStatus - instance of ProgressStatus can be null.
      idGeneratorSupplier - supplier for custom SVGIDGenerator. Used to prevent id conflicts when exported SVG files are embedded in one HTML
      Image export result.
      IOException - in case of some io error.
    • export

      public static Rectangle export(AbstractDiagramPresentationElement diagram, int format, File file, boolean justSelected, boolean saveBackground) throws IOException
      Exports diagram into given format image. Writes this image into given file. Exports all or just selected symbols from the diagram.
      diagram - the given diagram.
      format - format of the image.
      file - the output file
      justSelected - export only selected symbols in the diagram. If diagram does not have selected symbols, all symbols are exported
      saveBackground - save diagram background in image.
      saved image bounds(start point in the diagram and dimension of image).
      IOException - in case of some io error.
    • exportForResult

      public static ImageExportResult exportForResult(AbstractDiagramPresentationElement diagram, int format, File file, boolean justSelected, int dpi, int scalePercent) throws IOException
      Exports diagram into given format image. Writes this image into given file. Exports all or just selected symbols from the diagram.
      diagram - the given diagram.
      format - format of the image.
      file - the output file
      justSelected - export only selected symbols in the diagram. If diagram does not have selected symbols, all symbols are exported
      dpi - sets the DPI flag in output image. Parameter is ignored for vector images.
      scalePercent - defines scaling the output image to given percentage. Value of 100 does not scale image. Is ignored by WMF file format.
      Image export result.
      IOException - in case of some io error.
    • export

      public static Rectangle export(AbstractDiagramPresentationElement diagram, int format, File file, boolean justSelected, int dpi, int scalePercent) throws IOException
      Exports diagram into given format image. Writes this image into given file. Exports all or just selected symbols from the diagram.
      diagram - the given diagram.
      format - format of the image.
      file - the output file
      justSelected - export only selected symbols in the diagram. If diagram does not have selected symbols, all symbols are exported
      dpi - sets the DPI flag in output image. Parameter is ignored for vector images.
      scalePercent - defines scaling the output image to given percentage. Value of 100 does not scale image. Is ignored by WMF file format.
      saved image bounds(start point in the diagram and dimension of image).
      IOException - in case of some io error.
    • isSelectedSymbolsExportable

      public static boolean isSelectedSymbolsExportable(AbstractDiagramPresentationElement diagram)
      Checks if any selected symbol (in given diagram) can be exported into image. E.g. the selected link can not be exported if the connected elements symbols are not selected.
      diagram - given diagram.
      true - if any of selected symbols can be exported; otherwise - false.
    • export

      @CheckForNull public static Rectangle export(PresentationElement element, int format, File file, int dpi, int scalePercent) throws IOException
      Exports single PresentationElement(for example Class) into the given format image. Writes this image into the given file.
      element - the given presentation element.
      format - format of the image.
      file - the output file
      dpi - sets the DPI flag in output image. Parameter is ignored for vector images.
      scalePercent - defines scaling the output image to given percentage. Value of 100 does not scale image. Is ignored by WMF file format.
      saved image bounds(start point in the diagram and dimension of image).
      IOException - in case of some io error.
    • exportForResult

      @CheckForNull public static ImageExportResult exportForResult(PresentationElement element, int format, File file, int dpi, int scalePercent) throws IOException
      Exports single PresentationElement(for example Class) into the given format image. Writes this image into the given file.
      element - the given presentation element.
      format - format of the image.
      file - the output file
      dpi - sets the DPI flag in output image. Parameter is ignored for vector images.
      scalePercent - defines scaling the output image to given percentage. Value of 100 does not scale image. Is ignored by WMF file format.
      Image export result.
      IOException - in case of some io error.
    • export

      @CheckForNull public static BufferedImage export(PresentationElement element, int scalePercent) throws IOException
      Exports single PresentationElement (for example Class) into the BufferedImage.
      element - the given element.
      scalePercent - defines scaling the output image to given percentage. Value of 100 does not scale image.
      the BufferedImage instance of the diagram.
      IOException - in case of some io error.