Class DefaultDiagramAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
com.dassault_systemes.modeler.magic.ui.diagrams.actions.AbstractDiagramAction, DiagramAction, com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ShortcutSchemaAction, ActionListener, Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable, EventListener, Action
Direct Known Subclasses:
DefaultActiveDiagramAction, DiagramContextToolbarAction

@OpenApiAll public class DefaultDiagramAction extends DefaultAbstractDiagramAction implements DiagramAction
The default implementation of DiagramAction and simple MDAction
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultDiagramAction

      public DefaultDiagramAction(@CheckForNull String actionID, @CheckForNull String actionName, @CheckForNull KeyStroke stroke, @CheckForNull String group)
      Constructs new action.
      actionID - the action ID
      actionName - the action name
      stroke - the action stroke
      group - the action group
    • DefaultDiagramAction

      public DefaultDiagramAction(@CheckForNull String actionID, @CheckForNull String actionName, @CheckForNull KeyStroke stroke, @CheckForNull String group, boolean useSchema)
      Constructs new action.
      actionID - the action ID
      actionName - the action name
      stroke - the action stroke
      group - the action group
  • Method Details