Class CommandLine

Direct Known Subclasses:

@OpenApiAll public abstract class CommandLine extends Object
MagicDraw commandline launcher.
Extend it and implement execute() method.

Code sample:

public class TestCommandLine extends CommandLine
        public static void main(String[] args)
                new TestCommandLine().launch(args);

        protected void execute()
                // load project
                File fileToLoad = new File("myProject.mdzip");
                ProjectDescriptor descriptor = ProjectDescriptorsFactory.createProjectDescriptor(fileToLoad.toURI());
                ProjectsManager projectsManager = Application.getInstance().getProjectsManager();
                projectsManager.loadProject(descriptor, true);

                Project project = Application.getInstance().getProject();

                // "save as" project
                File fileToSave = new File("myProject2.mdzip");
                ProjectDescriptor localProjectDescriptor = ProjectDescriptorsFactory.createLocalProjectDescriptor(project, fileToSave);
                projectsManager.saveProject(localProjectDescriptor, true);

Check documentation ("Running programs in batch mode") on how to start command line.

  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected abstract byte
    Override this method to execute your custom task(s) in running MagicDraw environment.
    final void
    launch(String[] args)
    Launch MagicDraw in commandline mode (without GUI).
    Method starts MagicDraw application, calls execute() method, and shuts down the application.
    protected void
    parseArgs(String[] args)
    Override to parse arguments before launching MagicDraw.
    protected static void
    Print to commandline console.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • CommandLine

      public CommandLine()
  • Method Details

    • launch

      public final void launch(String[] args) throws InstantiationException
      Launch MagicDraw in commandline mode (without GUI).
      Method starts MagicDraw application, calls execute() method, and shuts down the application.
      args - command line arguments passed to MagicDraw.
      InstantiationException - if the failed return code needs to be indicated
    • parseArgs

      protected void parseArgs(String[] args) throws Exception
      Override to parse arguments before launching MagicDraw.
      args - program arguments
      Exception - if arguments are not correct and MagicDraw should not be started
    • printToCommandLineConsole

      protected static void printToCommandLineConsole(String text)
      Print to commandline console. Do not use System.out since it might be redirected to log.
      text - test to print
    • execute

      protected abstract byte execute()
      Override this method to execute your custom task(s) in running MagicDraw environment. Do not explicitly call this method - call launch(String[]) to launch the commandline.
      application exit status