Interface Cachable

All Known Implementing Classes:
com.nomagic.magicdraw.ui.dialogs.BaseDialog, BrowserTabTree, com.dassault_systemes.modeler.magic.ui.dialogs.selection.ConfigurableElementSelectionDlg, ContainmentTree, DiagramsTree, com.nomagic.ui.Dialog, com.dassault_systemes.modeler.magic.ui.dialogs.selection.ElementSelectionDlg, ElementSelectionDlg, ExtensionsTree, InheritanceTree, LockViewTree, SearchResultsTree, SelectElementDlg, com.nomagic.ui.SimpleBaseDialog, Tree

@OpenApiAll public interface Cachable
Reusable objects used in caches. They are reset when object is returned to the cache.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Cache managers invokes this method to free resources.
  • Method Details

    • reset

      void reset()
      Cache managers invokes this method to free resources. Usually this method must drop references to external objects in order to enable garbage collection of them.