Interface Pseudostate
- All Superinterfaces:
A representation of the model object 'Pseudostate'.
A Pseudostate is an abstraction that encompasses different types of transient Vertices in the StateMachine graph. A StateMachine instance never comes to rest in a Pseudostate, instead, it will exit and enter the Pseudostate within a single run-to-completion step.
The following features are supported:
- See Also:
- Model:
- annotation="MOF package='statemachines.mdbehaviorstatemachines'"
- Generated:
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionReturns the value of the 'connection Point Reference Of Entry' reference list.Returns the value of the 'connection Point Reference Of Exit' reference list.getKind()
Returns the value of the 'Kind' attribute.getState()
Returns the value of the 'State' container reference.Returns the value of the 'State Machine' container reference.boolean
(PseudostateKind value) Sets the value of the 'Kind
' attribute.void
Sets the value of the 'State
' container reference.void
(StateMachine value) Sets the value of the 'State Machine
' container reference.Methods inherited from interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.BaseElement
accept, addPropertyChangeListener, canAdd, canAdd, canAddChild, canBeDeleted, firePropertyChange, getClassType, getHumanName, getHumanType, isEditable, removePropertyChangeListener, sGetID
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable
Methods inherited from interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.classes.mdkernel.Element
get_activityPartitionOfRepresents, get_commentOfAnnotatedElement, get_constraintOfConstrainedElement, get_diagramOfContext, get_directedRelationshipOfSource, get_directedRelationshipOfTarget, get_elementOfSyncElement, get_elementTaggedValue, get_elementValueOfElement, get_relationshipOfRelatedElement, getAppliedStereotype, getOwnedComment, getOwnedElement, getOwner, getSyncElement, getTaggedValue, has_activityPartitionOfRepresents, has_commentOfAnnotatedElement, has_constraintOfConstrainedElement, has_diagramOfContext, has_directedRelationshipOfSource, has_directedRelationshipOfTarget, has_elementOfSyncElement, has_elementValueOfElement, has_relationshipOfRelatedElement, hasAppliedStereotype, hasElementTaggedValue, hasOwnedComment, hasOwnedElement, hasTaggedValue, setOwner, setSyncElement
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
eAllContents, eClass, eContainer, eContainingFeature, eContainmentFeature, eContents, eCrossReferences, eGet, eGet, eInvoke, eIsProxy, eIsSet, eResource, eSet, eUnset
Methods inherited from interface
getID, getMDExtension, getMdExtensions, setID
Methods inherited from interface
canChangeElementOwner, eDynamicGet, getElementOwner, getLocalID, getObjectParent, selfDispose, setLocalID, sGetLocalID
Methods inherited from interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.base.ModelObject
get_representationText, ignoringRefGetValue, ignoringRefGetValue, isSet, refGetValue, refGetValue, refSetValue, refSetValue, set_representationText
Methods inherited from interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.classes.mdkernel.NamedElement
get_considerIgnoreFragmentOfMessage, get_durationObservationOfEvent, get_informationFlowOfInformationSource, get_informationFlowOfInformationTarget, get_messageOfSignature, get_namespaceOfMember, get_timeObservationOfEvent, getClientDependency, getName, getNameExpression, getNamespace, getQualifiedName, getSupplierDependency, getVisibility, has_considerIgnoreFragmentOfMessage, has_durationObservationOfEvent, has_informationFlowOfInformationSource, has_informationFlowOfInformationTarget, has_messageOfSignature, has_namespaceOfMember, has_timeObservationOfEvent, hasClientDependency, hasSupplierDependency, setName, setNameExpression, setNamespace, setVisibility
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier
eAdapters, eDeliver, eNotify, eSetDeliver
Methods inherited from interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.classes.mdkernel.RedefinableElement
get_redefinableElementOfRedefinedElement, getRedefinedElement, has_redefinableElementOfRedefinedElement, hasRedefinedElement, hasRedefinitionContext, isLeaf, setLeaf
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefBaseObject
equals, hashCode, refImmediatePackage, refMetaObject, refMofId, refOutermostPackage, refVerifyConstraints
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefFeatured
refGetValue, refInvokeOperation, refInvokeOperation, refSetValue
Methods inherited from interface javax.jmi.reflect.RefObject
refClass, refDelete, refImmediateComposite, refIsInstanceOf, refOutermostComposite
Methods inherited from interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.statemachines.mdbehaviorstatemachines.Vertex
get_vertexOfRedefinedVertex, getContainer, getIncoming, getOutgoing, getRedefinedVertex, getRedefinitionContext, hasIncoming, hasOutgoing, setContainer, setRedefinedVertex
Method Details
Returns the value of the 'Kind' attribute. The default value is"initial"
. The literals are from the enumerationPseudostateKind
. Determines the precise type of the Pseudostate and can be one of: entryPoint, exitPoint, initial, deepHistory, shallowHistory, join, fork, junction, terminate or choice.- Returns:
- the value of the 'Kind' attribute.
- See Also:
- Model:
- default="initial" required="true" ordered="false"
- Generated:
Sets the value of the 'Kind
' attribute.- Parameters:
- the new value of the 'Kind' attribute.- See Also:
- Generated:
Returns the value of the 'State' container reference. It is bidirectional and its opposite is 'Connection Point
'. The State that owns this Pseudostate and in which it appears.- Returns:
- the value of the 'State' container reference.
- See Also:
- Model:
- opposite="connectionPoint" transient="false" ordered="false"
- Generated:
Sets the value of the 'State
' container reference.- Parameters:
- the new value of the 'State' container reference.- See Also:
- Generated:
Collection<ConnectionPointReference> get_connectionPointReferenceOfEntry()Returns the value of the 'connection Point Reference Of Entry' reference list. The list contents are of typeConnectionPointReference
. It is bidirectional and its opposite is 'Entry
'.If the meaning of the 'connection Point Reference Of Entry' reference list isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...
- Returns:
- the value of the 'connection Point Reference Of Entry' reference list.
- See Also:
- Model:
- opposite="entry" ordered="false"
- Generated:
Collection<ConnectionPointReference> get_connectionPointReferenceOfExit()Returns the value of the 'connection Point Reference Of Exit' reference list. The list contents are of typeConnectionPointReference
. It is bidirectional and its opposite is 'Exit
'.If the meaning of the 'connection Point Reference Of Exit' reference list isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...
- Returns:
- the value of the 'connection Point Reference Of Exit' reference list.
- See Also:
- Model:
- opposite="exit" ordered="false"
- Generated:
Returns the value of the 'State Machine' container reference. It is bidirectional and its opposite is 'Connection Point
'. The StateMachine in which this Pseudostate is defined. This only applies to Pseudostates of the kind entryPoint or exitPoint.- Returns:
- the value of the 'State Machine' container reference.
- See Also:
- Model:
- opposite="connectionPoint" transient="false" ordered="false"
- Generated:
Sets the value of the 'State Machine
' container reference.- Parameters:
- the new value of the 'State Machine' container reference.- See Also:
- Generated:
boolean has_connectionPointReferenceOfExit() throws javax.jmi.reflect.JmiException- Throws:
- Generated:
boolean has_connectionPointReferenceOfEntry() throws javax.jmi.reflect.JmiException- Throws:
- Generated: