Class ActionsManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class ActionsManager
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.lang.Cloneable
    The class responsible for managing the actions and categories. It has a list of categories and the helper maps where actions are registered by shortcuts and by id.
    See Also:
    ActionsCategory, NMAction
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String SHORTCUTS_MODIFIED
        A key for Boolean which marks action with modified shortcuts in UI
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • cache

        private com.nomagic.actions.ActionsCache cache
    • Constructor Detail

      • ActionsManager

        public ActionsManager​(@CheckForNull
                              ActionsManager parent)
        Creates the actions manager.
        parent - the parent of the actions manager. May be null.
      • ActionsManager

        public ActionsManager()
        Creates the actions manager.
    • Method Detail

      • markShortcutsModified

        public static void markShortcutsModified​(javax.swing.Action action)
        Add a mark that shortcuts are modified externally in UI
        action - action
      • getCategories

        public java.util.List<ActionsCategory> getCategories()
        Returns the list of the categories.
        the cloned list of the categories.
      • getActionsCategoryRecursively

        public ActionsCategory getActionsCategoryRecursively​(java.util.List<ActionsCategory> categories,
                                                             java.lang.String id)
        Recursively finds an action category with a given id.
        categories - categories to search.
        id - id of a category to find.
        found action category or null if it is not found.
      • setCategories

        public void setCategories​(java.util.List<? extends ActionsCategory> list)
        Sets the list of the categories. All old actions will be unregistered and new registered.
        list - the list of the categories.
      • addCategory

        public void addCategory​(ActionsCategory category)
        Adds the given category to the manager. The actions from the given category will be registered.
        category - the given category.
      • addCategory

        public void addCategory​(int index,
                                ActionsCategory category)
        Adds the given category to the manager. The actions from the given category will be registered.
        category - the given category.
        index - index where category will be added.
      • removeCategory

        public void removeCategory​(ActionsCategory category)
        Removes the given category from the manager. The actions from the given category will be unregistered.
        category - the given category.
      • addCategory

        public void addCategory​(java.lang.String relatedCategoryID,
                                ActionsCategory category,
                                boolean addAfter)
        Adds the given category to the manager. The actions from the given category will be registered.
        relatedCategoryID - related category id
        category - the given category
        addAfter - add after related category or before related category
      • addCategory

        public void addCategory​(@CheckForNull
                                ActionsCategory relatedCategory,
                                ActionsCategory category,
                                boolean addAfter)
        Adds the given category to the manager. The actions from the given category will be registered.
        relatedCategory - related category
        category - the given category
        addAfter - add after related category or before related category
      • getCategory

        public ActionsCategory getCategory​(java.lang.String id)
        Returns the category with given id.
        id - the id of the category.
        the category with given id or null if this manager does not have such category.
      • updateShortcutsFrom

        public void updateShortcutsFrom​(ActionsManager manager)
        Takes all action from the given manager with modified shortcuts and overwrites the shortcuts for actions in this manager.
        manager - the given manager.
        See Also:
      • getAllActions

        public java.util.List<NMAction> getAllActions()
        Returns the list of all actions registered in this manager.
        the list of all registered actions.
      • removeIf

        public void removeIf​(java.util.function.Predicate<NMAction> filter)
        Removes all of the actions of this manager that satisfy the given predicate
        filter - given predicate
      • removeIf

        private static void removeIf​(NMAction action,
                                     java.util.function.Predicate<NMAction> filter)
      • forEachIncludingSelf

        public void forEachIncludingSelf​(java.util.function.Consumer<NMAction> consumer)
        Performs the given consumer for each owned action including self. Owned actions should not be added/removed inside consumer.
        consumer - the action to be performed for each NMAction
        See Also:
      • forEach

        public void forEach​(java.util.function.Consumer<NMAction> consumer)
        Performs the given consumer for each owned action. Owned actions should not be added/removed inside consumer.
        consumer - the action to be performed for each NMAction
        See Also:
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        true if this manager currently contains no actions, false if there are actions. Parent actions are not considered
      • getAllOrderedActions

        public java.util.List<NMAction> getAllOrderedActions​(boolean includeCategories)
        Returns the list if all ordered actions registered in this manager.
        includeCategories - If true, then ActionsCategories will be included in the list
        the list of all registered actions.
      • removeAllActions

        public void removeAllActions()
        Removes all actions.
      • getActionFor

        public NMAction getActionFor​(@CheckForNull
                                     javax.swing.KeyStroke stroke)
        Returns the action for given stroke. If this manager does not have such action, it looks in the parent.
        stroke - stroke
        the action for given stroke or null if there are no action with such stroke.
      • getActionFor

        public NMAction getActionFor​(java.lang.String id)
        Returns the action for given id. If this manager does not have such action, it looks in the parent.
        id - action id
        the action for given id or null if there are no action with such id.
      • getIdToActionMap

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​NMAction> getIdToActionMap()
      • clone

        public ActionsManager clone()
        Clones the manager. Does deep clone.
        clone in class java.lang.Object
        cloned instance
      • dropCache

        public void dropCache()
      • setParent

        public void setParent​(@CheckForNull
                              ActionsManager parent)
        Sets the actions manager parent.
        parent - the new parent.
      • getParent

        public ActionsManager getParent()
        Returns the actions manager parent.
      • getActionParent

        public NMAction getActionParent​(NMAction action)
        Returns parent action for given action. Searches for the action object itself, if a provided object is not found actions are compared using equals(by action ID).
        action - the given action.
        parent of given action.
      • makeCopy

        public ActionsManager makeCopy()
        Copies this manager and adds property change listeners to all actions in order to have the same action state in source and copy.
        copied manager.
      • updateStateForAllActions

        public void updateStateForAllActions()
        Calls updateState() method for all inner actions.
        See Also:
      • getLastActionsCategory

        public ActionsCategory getLastActionsCategory()
        Returns last category by order.
        last category
      • removeAction

        public void removeAction​(java.lang.String actionID)
        Removes action with given ID from this manager. Searches for action parent, removes action from it's parent and removes parent if it does not have any more actions. If given ID is id of root category(added into manager), removes this category.
        actionID - actionID id of action to remove.
      • removeAction

        public void removeAction​(NMAction action)
        Removes action from this manager.
        action - action to remove.
      • removeAction

        public void removeAction​(NMAction action,
                                 NMAction parent)
        Removes action with given ID from this manager. Takes given parent, removes action from it's parent and removes parent if it does not have any more actions. If given ID is id of root category(added into manager), removes this category.
        action - action to remove.
        parent - parent of action to remove from.
      • addActionNearTheGiven

        public void addActionNearTheGiven​(@CheckForNull
                                          java.lang.String givenID,
                                          boolean addAfter,
                                          NMAction action)
        Adds given action near the action with the given id. The given action will be added into the same parent as action with givenID. The position of the given action will be above or below the "givenID".
        givenID - the id of action to add near
        addAfter - add after or before "givenID"
        action - the action to add.
      • addActionNearTheGiven

        public void addActionNearTheGiven​(@CheckForNull
                                          java.lang.String givenID,
                                          boolean addAfter,
                                          NMAction action,
                                          ActionsCategory defaultCategory)
        Adds given action near the action with the given id. The given action will be added into the same parent as action with givenID. The position of the given action will be above or below the "givenID".
        givenID - the id of action to add near
        addAfter - add after or before "givenID"
        action - the action to add
        defaultCategory - category to add action into if action with givenID does not exist. Last category from manager is used if defaultCategory is null
      • getActionFromCategory

        private NMAction getActionFromCategory​(java.lang.String id)
      • getOrCreateCache

        protected com.nomagic.actions.ActionsCache getOrCreateCache()
      • createCache

        protected com.nomagic.actions.ActionsCache createCache()
      • constructNoneAction

        public static MDAction constructNoneAction()
        Constructs a none action.
        created none action.