Class SpecificationDialogManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class SpecificationDialogManager
    extends ProjectEventListenerAdapter
    The manager of specification windows for all types of model elements. This manager knows exactly what specification dialog to open for every specific element.
    • Method Detail

      • getManager

        public static SpecificationDialogManager getManager()
        Returns shared instance of this manager.
        instance of this manager.
      • editSpecification

        public void editSpecification​(Element element)
        Opens specification dialog for given ModelElement. Dialog is not modal.
        element - the given Element.
      • editSpecification

        public void editSpecification​(Element element,
                                      boolean modal)
        Opens specification dialog for given ModelElement.
        element - the given Element.
        modal - open modal specification window
      • editSpecification

        public void editSpecification​(SpecificationRecord record)
        Opens non-modal specification dialog activated pane specified by record.
        record - specification dialog record containing a reference to element and pane to activate
      • editSpecification

        public void editSpecification​(SpecificationRecord record,
                                      boolean modal)
        Opens specification dialog and activated pane specified by record.
        record - specification dialog record containing a reference to element and pane to activate
        modal - open modal specification window
      • addConfigurator

        public void addConfigurator​(java.lang.Class<?> elementClass,
                                    ISpecificationNodeConfigurator configurator)
        Adds specification node configurator for given Element type
        elementClass - the specific class of Element(for example com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.classes.mdkernel.Classifier)
        configurator - the given configurator.
      • removeConfigurator

        public void removeConfigurator​(java.lang.Class<?> elementClass,
                                       ISpecificationNodeConfigurator configurator)
        Removes specification dialog node configurator for given Element type.
        elementClass - the specific class of Element(for example com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.classes.mdkernel.Classifier)
        configurator - the given configurator.
      • getTitleCreator

        public SpecificationTitleCreator getTitleCreator()
        Returns current specification dialog title creator.
        title creator
      • setTitleCreator

        public final void setTitleCreator​(SpecificationTitleCreator titleCreator)
        Sets specification dialog title creator
        titleCreator - title creator.