Class PropertyManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    PropertyVisitorAcceptor, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener, java.lang.Cloneable, java.util.EventListener
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class PropertyManager
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.lang.Cloneable, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener, PropertyVisitorAcceptor
    This class is used for managing of the set of the properties. The manager has name. Also manager can return some property with given property ID.
    • Field Detail

      • frozen

        private boolean frozen
      • cacheByID

        private java.lang.ref.SoftReference<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Integer>> cacheByID
        Cache of properties by id. Keep this cache on soft reference.
      • id

        private java.lang.String id
        ID of this property manager.
      • parent

        private PropertyManager parent
        Property manager which can use "shared" properties from super type. For example if shape and class can have color property, if class do not defines its own it should use shared shape property.
      • name

        private java.lang.String name
        The name of the property manager.
      • properties

        private java.util.List<Property> properties
        The list of properties in this manager. Use list not set for saving the order in which the properties were added.
      • hiddenProperties

        private java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> hiddenProperties
        Properties exists in parent property manager but should not be visible in this manager.
      • style

        private Style style
        Style in which manager exits, can be null.
      • enableMaps

        private java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object[][]> enableMaps
      • stateListener

        private java.beans.PropertyChangeListener stateListener
      • support

        private com.nomagic.utils.ExtendedPropertyChangeSupport support
        PropertyChangeListeners support. Used to fire events when own properties collection changes.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PropertyManager

        public PropertyManager()
        Constructs new property manager
      • PropertyManager

        public PropertyManager​(@CheckForNull
                               java.lang.String name,
                               java.util.List<? extends Property> properties)
        Constructs new property manager.
        name - the name of the manager.
        properties - the list of properties.
      • PropertyManager

        public PropertyManager​(@CheckForNull
                               PropertyManager parentPropertyManager,
                               java.lang.String name,
                               java.util.List<? extends Property> properties)
        Constructs new property manager.
        name - the name of the manager.
        properties - the list of properties.
        parentPropertyManager - parent property manager which can provides properties can be shared in this manager.
    • Method Detail

      • addStateListener

        private void addStateListener​(Property property)
      • getStateListener

        private java.beans.PropertyChangeListener getStateListener()
      • getHiddenProperties

        public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getHiddenProperties()
      • updateStates

        private void updateStates​(Property property)
      • updateState

        private void updateState​(Property property)
      • containsValue

        private static boolean containsValue​(java.lang.Object values,
                                             java.lang.Object value)
      • getID

        public java.lang.String getID()
        Get ID
        ID of property.
      • sGetID

        public java.lang.String sGetID()
        Property manager simple ID getter (does not generate ID if it is not present).
        property manager ID or null
      • getParentPropertyManager

        public PropertyManager getParentPropertyManager()
      • setParentPropertyManager

        public void setParentPropertyManager​(@CheckForNull
                                             PropertyManager parentPropertyManager)
        Set parent Property Manager.
        parentPropertyManager - parent manager
      • setParentPropertyManagerOnly

        public void setParentPropertyManagerOnly​(@CheckForNull
                                                 PropertyManager parentPropertyManager)
        Set parent Property Manager.
        parentPropertyManager - parent manager
      • getProperty

        public Property getProperty​(java.lang.String id)
        Returns the property from the properties list with given id.
        id - the ID of property.
        property with given ID. Null if such property is not added into the manager.
      • getProperty

        private Property getProperty​(java.lang.String id,
                                     boolean justOwned)
        Returns the property from the properties list with given id.
        id - the ID of property.
        justOwned - do not check parent manager if this argument is true
        property with given ID. Null if such property is not added into the manager.
      • getPropertyByName

        public Property getPropertyByName​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns property from the properties list with given name.
        name - name of the property
        property with given name. Null if such property is not added into the manager.
      • addProperty

        public void addProperty​(Property prop)
        Adds the property to the property manager. If property with such ID was already added, the old property is removed. Checking if property with same id already exists in parent property manager, and they value is the same do nothing
        prop - the new property.
      • addProperties

        public void addProperties​(java.util.Collection<Property> properties)
        Adds the properties to the property manager. If property with such ID was already added, the old property is removed. Checking if property with same id already exists in parent property manager, and they value is the same do nothing
        properties - the new properties.
      • justAddProperty

        private void justAddProperty​(Property prop)
        Adds the property to the property manager. If property with such ID was already added, the old property is removed.
        prop - the new property.
      • removeProperty

        public void removeProperty​(Property prop)
        Removes the property from the property manager.
        prop - the property.
      • removeProperty

        public void removeProperty​(java.lang.String id)
        Removes the property with given ID from the property manager.
        id - the property's ID.
      • getProperties

        public java.util.List<Property> getProperties()
        Returns the list of the properties.
        all properties from this manager and parent managers.
      • getOwnProperties

        public java.util.List<Property> getOwnProperties()
        Returns the list of the properties.
        all properties only from this manager. List is unmodifiable.
      • setProperties

        public void setProperties​(java.util.List<Property> prop)
        Sets the list of the properties.
        prop - the list of new properties for this manager.
      • removeStateListener

        private void removeStateListener​(Property prop)
      • getOrderedProperties

        public java.util.List<Property> getOrderedProperties()
        Returns list of properties. Properties are stored in list no sorting needed
        list of properties
      • clone

        public PropertyManager clone()
        Clones the manager. Does deep clone - all properties will be cloned too.
        clone in class java.lang.Object
        the cloned manager.
      • cloneProperties

        public static java.util.List<Property> cloneProperties​(java.util.List<Property> properties)
      • makeCopy

        public PropertyManager makeCopy()
        Make copy of property.
        Property Manager.
      • apply

        public void apply​(PropertyManager manager)
        Applies properties from given manager. Property from given manager will be replaced with property from this manager if this manager: 1.has property with such ID. 2.state of this property is not UNDEFINED.
        manager - manager which properties will be applied to this.
        See Also:
      • apply

        public void apply​(java.util.Collection<Property> properties)
        Applies properties from given list. Property from given list will be replaced with property from this manager if this manager: 1.has property with such ID. 2.state of this property is not UNDEFINED.
        properties - collection of properties to be applied to this.
      • applyValues

        public void applyValues​(java.util.Collection<Property> col)
        Applies properties values only from given list.
        col - collection of properties to be applied to this.
      • leaveTheSame

        public void leaveTheSame​(PropertyManager manager)
        Removes from this manager all properties those does not exist in the given manager. Property will be removed if given manager does not have property with the same ID. Existing property in this manager will be set to undefined state if property in the given manager has different value.
        manager - the given manager.
      • leaveTheSame

        public void leaveTheSame​(PropertyManager manager,
                                 boolean makeUndefined,
                                 boolean mergeSources)
        Removes from this manager all properties those does not exist in the given manager. Property will be removed if given manager does not have property with the same ID and the same value.
        manager - the given manager.
        makeUndefined - existing property in this manager will be set to undefined state if property in given manager has different value.
        mergeSources - if true, properties sources will be merged
      • mergeProperties

        protected void mergeProperties​(Property currentManagerProperty,
                                       Property property,
                                       boolean makeUndefined,
                                       boolean mergeSources)
      • mergePropertyByType

        protected void mergePropertyByType​(Property currentProperty,
                                           Property otherProperty)
      • mergeCollection

        private static <T extends java.util.Collection<java.lang.Object>> T mergeCollection​(@CheckForNull
                                                                                            T collection1,
                                                                                            T collection2,
                                                                                            java.util.function.Supplier<T> collectionCreator)
      • setName

        public void setName​(java.lang.String name)
        Sets name of the manager.
        name - the new name.
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Returns name of the property manager.
        the name of the property manager.
      • distinct

        public java.util.List<Property> distinct​(java.util.List<Property> properties)
        Returns properties those are not equal to the given properties.
        properties - the given properties.
        not equal properties to the given properties or empty list.
      • isUndefinedStateOrValuesDiffer

        public static boolean isUndefinedStateOrValuesDiffer​(Property first,
                                                             Property second)
      • isEqualValues

        private static boolean isEqualValues​(@CheckForNull
                                             java.lang.Object value1,
                                             java.lang.Object value2)
      • isEqualElements

        private static boolean isEqualElements​(@CheckForNull
                                               Element element1,
                                               Element element2)
        Compare two elements, may be from different projects (compare by id)
        element1 - element
        element2 - element
        true if element are equal, otherwise false.
      • distinct

        public void distinct​(PropertyManager man)
        Sets to itself properties those are not equal to the given properties.
        man - the manager with given properties.
      • propertyChange

        public void propertyChange​(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e)
        Listens to PropertyChangeEvents. Takes new value from the event(new value must be a list of properties) and sets these properties to itself.
        Specified by:
        propertyChange in interface java.beans.PropertyChangeListener
        e - the property change event.
      • accept

        public void accept​(PropertyVisitor visitor)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
        Accepts the given visitor.
        Specified by:
        accept in interface PropertyVisitorAcceptor
        visitor - the PropertyVisitor.
      • append

        public void append​(PropertyManager manager)
        Adds not existing properties from given manager to itself. The properties existence is checked by property ID.
        manager - the manager with properties.
      • append

        public void append​(PropertyManager manager,
                           boolean makeUndefined,
                           boolean mergeSources)
        Adds not existing properties from given manager to itself. The properties existence is checked by property ID.
        manager - the manager with properties.
        makeUndefined - existing property in this manager will be set to undefined state if property in given manager has different value.
        mergeSources - if true, properties sources will be merged
      • append

        public void append​(java.util.List<Property> properties)
        Adds not existing properties from given list to itself. The properties existence is checked by property ID.
        properties - the list of given properties.
      • append

        public void append​(java.util.List<Property> properties,
                           boolean makeUndefined,
                           boolean mergeSources)
        Adds not existing properties from given list to itself. The properties existence is checked by property ID.
        properties - the list of given properties.
        makeUndefined - existing property in this manager will be set to undefined state if property in given manager has different value.
        mergeSources - if true, properties sources will be merged
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Returns info used for debug.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        info for debug
      • shareProperty

        public void shareProperty​(Property prop)
        Makes given property shared form parent PropertyManager. Value changed in parent will affect property in this property manager.
        prop - property to share.
      • makeOwnProperty

        public void makeOwnProperty​(Property prop)
        Makes given property as own property even if property with such id is in parent (makes property not shared)
        prop - property
      • hideParentProperty

        public void hideParentProperty​(java.lang.String propertyID)
        Hides given property with id from parent property manager. Not that if property with this id is in this property manager nothing will be changed.
        propertyID - property ID to hide from parent manager;
      • isHiddenParentProperty

        public boolean isHiddenParentProperty​(java.lang.String propertyID)
        Check if property with a given ID is hidden parent property
        propertyID - property ID
      • showParentProperty

        public void showParentProperty​(java.lang.String propertyID)
        Show parent property.
        propertyID - property ID
      • setID

        public void setID​(@CheckForNull
                          java.lang.String id)
        Sets id for this property manager.
        id - new id of this property manager.
      • getStyle

        public Style getStyle()
        Get property style.
        Returns the style.
      • setStyle

        public void setStyle​(@CheckForNull
                             Style style)
        Set style.
        style - The style to set.
      • setPropertyEnableMap

        public void setPropertyEnableMap​(java.lang.String propertyId,
                                         java.lang.Object[][] map)
        Set Property Enable Map
        propertyId - Property id.
        map - map
      • printIllegalStateException

        private void printIllegalStateException()
      • addPropertyChangeListener

        public void addPropertyChangeListener​(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
        Adds PropertyChangeListener to the listeners list. Each listeners receives OWN_PROPERTY_ADDED and OWN_PROPERTY_REMOVED event types.
        listener - the PropertyChangeListener to be added
        See Also:
      • removePropertyChangeListener

        public void removePropertyChangeListener​(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
        Removes PropertyChangeListener from the listeners list. Each listeners receives OWN_PROPERTY_ADDED and OWN_PROPERTY_REMOVED event types.
        listener - the PropertyChangeListener to be removed
        See Also:
      • firePropertyChange

        private void firePropertyChange​(java.lang.String propertyName,
                                        java.lang.Object oldValue,
                                        java.lang.Object newValue)
      • generateDefaultDescriptionID

        public static void generateDefaultDescriptionID​(PropertyManager manager)
      • generateNullDescriptionID

        public static void generateNullDescriptionID​(PropertyManager manager)
      • equalsWithValues

        public boolean equalsWithValues​(PropertyManager pm,
                                        java.util.Set<java.lang.String> ids)
        Check it equals with given property value.
        pm - The given property value.
        ids - properties IDs to check (may be null - to check all properties)
      • cleanCache

        private void cleanCache()
        Clean properties cache
      • getPropertiesCache

        private java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Integer> getPropertiesCache​(boolean create)
        Return (create if needed) cache of properties
        create - create flag
        created map
      • getPropertiesCash

        private java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Integer> getPropertiesCash​(boolean create)
      • removeProperty

        public void removeProperty​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> propertyIDs)
        Removes all properties with given ids.
        propertyIDs - ids of the properties to remove from the manager.
      • retainProperties

        public void retainProperties​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> ids)
        Removes all properties except the the ones with given ids.
        ids - ids of the properties to leave in the manager.
      • isTheSame

        public boolean isTheSame​(PropertyManager manager)
        Check if given property manager is the same as current. Managers are the same if names are equal and parent managers are equal
        manager - manager
        true if the same
      • isFrozen

        public boolean isFrozen()
      • setFrozen

        public void setFrozen​(boolean mFrozen)