Interface IRelationshipNumbering

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractionNumbering, ComponentRealizationNumbering, DependencyNumbering, DeploymentNumbering, DirectedRelationshipNumbering, ElementImportNumbering, ExtendNumbering, GeneralizationNumbering, IncludeNumbering, InformationFlowNumbering, InterfaceRealizationNumbering, ManifestationNumbering, PackageImportNumbering, PackageMergeNumbering, ProfileApplicationNumbering, ProtocolConformanceNumbering, RealizationNumbering, SubstitutionNumbering, TemplateBindingNumbering, UsageNumbering

@OpenApiAll public interface IRelationshipNumbering
Interface for Numbering customizations to be applied to Elements that are connected by some types of directedRelationships Feb 20, 2012
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Which types of directedRelationships should be taken into consideration for element sthat are eithe rsource or target of the given relation types.
  • Method Details

    • getRelationTypes

      Collection<Class<? extends DirectedRelationship>> getRelationTypes()
      Which types of directedRelationships should be taken into consideration for element sthat are eithe rsource or target of the given relation types.
      a collection of directed relationship types