Package com.nomagic.magicdraw.autoid

package com.nomagic.magicdraw.autoid
  • Class
    If this interface is implemented for an Expression <> then the AutoNumber-Framework will call the class methods and use the Strings produced as slices for the complete AutoNumber, as it is defined in the <> These methods should return equal values for equal input.
    If this Interface is implemented for an Expression NumberPart then, the whole of the Framework will be ignored and this class will have to take care of the complete numbering of all the elements that will be customized with this Expression <> If this INumberingAction will be found in a NumberingScheme nothing will be generated by the AutoNumbering framework.
    Interface for Numbering customizations to be applied to Elements that are connected by some types of directedRelationships Feb 20, 2012
    This is a immutable representation of the NumberingScheme/prefix/separator data It reflects the default or global AutoNumber that is applied to the elements that are of type target.
    NumberingInfoHelper provides the method in order to resolve about separator of auto id function.