Class BPMN2Profile.BPMNProcessStereotype

Enclosing class:

public static class BPMN2Profile.BPMNProcessStereotype extends ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
  • Field Details


      public static final String STEREOTYPE_NAME
      See Also:

      public static final String CORRELATIONSUBSCRIPTIONS
      Correlation Subscriptions are a feature of context-based correlation. Correlation Subscriptions are used to correlate incoming Messages against data in the Process context. A Process MAY contain several correlationSubscriptions.
      See Also:

      public static final String DEFINTITIONALCOLLABORATIONREF
      For Processes that interact with other Participants, a definitional Collaboration can be referenced by the Process. The definitional Collaboration specifies the Participants the Process interacts with, and more specifically, which individual service, Send or Receive Task, or Message Event, is connected to which Participant through Message Flows. The definitional Collaboration need not be displayed. Additionally, the definitional Collaboration can be used to include Conversation information within a Process.
      See Also:

      public static final String ISCLOSED
      A Boolean value specifying whether interactions, such as sending and receiving Messages and Events, not modeled in the Process can occur when the Process is executed or performed. If the value is true, they MAY NOT occur. If the value is false, they MAY occur.
      See Also:

      public static final String PROCESSTYPE
      The processType attribute Provides additional information about the level of abstraction modeled by this Process. A public Process shows only those flow elements that are relevant to external consumers. Internal details are not modeled. These Processes are publicly visible and can be used within a Collaboration. Note that the public processType was named abstract in BPMN 1.2. A private Process is one that is internal to a specific organization. An executable Process is a private Process that has been modeled for the purpose of being executed according to the semantics. Of course, during the development cycle of the Process, there will be stages where the Process does not have enough detail to be executable. A non-executable Process is a private Process that has been modeled for the purpose of documenting Process behavior at a modeler-defined level of detail. Thus, information needed for execution, such as formal condition expressions are typically not included in a non-executable Process.
      See Also:

      public static final String RESOURCES
      Defines the resource that will perform or will be responsible for the Process. The resource, e.g., a performer, can be specified in the form of a specific individual, a group, an organization role or position, or an organization. Note that the assigned resources of the Process does not determine the assigned resources of the Activities that are contained by the Process.
      See Also:
    • STATE

      public static final String STATE
      See Also:

      public static final String SUPPORTS
      Modelers can declare that they intend all executions or performances of one Process to also be valid for another Process. This means they expect all the executions or performances of the first Processes to also follow the steps laid out in the second Process.
      See Also:

      public static final String IOSPECIFICATION
      See Also:

      public static final String SUPPORTEDINTERFACESREFS
      The Interfaces describing the external behavior provided by this element.
      See Also:
    • ID

      public static final String ID
      This attribute is used to uniquely identify BPMN elements.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BPMNProcessStereotype

      protected BPMNProcessStereotype(BPMN2Profile profile)
  • Method Details

    • getStereotype

      public Stereotype getStereotype()
      Description copied from class: ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
      Returns stereotype for this wrapper.
      Specified by:
      getStereotype in class ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
    • getCorrelationSubscriptionsProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getCorrelationSubscriptionsProperty()
    • getDefintitionalCollaborationRefProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getDefintitionalCollaborationRefProperty()
    • getIsClosedProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getIsClosedProperty()
    • getProcessTypeProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getProcessTypeProperty()
    • getResourcesProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getResourcesProperty()
    • getStateProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getStateProperty()
    • getSupportsProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getSupportsProperty()
    • getIoSpecificationProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getIoSpecificationProperty()
    • getSupportedInterfacesRefsProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getSupportedInterfacesRefsProperty()
    • getIdProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getIdProperty()
    • setCorrelationSubscriptions

      public void setCorrelationSubscriptions(Element element, @CheckForNull Collection<? extends Element> value)
    • clearCorrelationSubscriptions

      public void clearCorrelationSubscriptions(Element element)
    • addCorrelationSubscriptions

      public void addCorrelationSubscriptions(Element element, Element value)
    • removeCorrelationSubscriptions

      public void removeCorrelationSubscriptions(Element element, Element value)
    • getCorrelationSubscriptions

      public List<Element> getCorrelationSubscriptions(Element element)
    • setDefintitionalCollaborationRef

      public void setDefintitionalCollaborationRef(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearDefintitionalCollaborationRef

      public void clearDefintitionalCollaborationRef(Element element)
    • getDefintitionalCollaborationRef

      @CheckForNull public Element getDefintitionalCollaborationRef(Element element)
    • setIsClosed

      public void setIsClosed(Element element, @CheckForNull Boolean value)
    • clearIsClosed

      public void clearIsClosed(Element element)
    • isIsClosed

      @CheckForNull public Boolean isIsClosed(Element element)
    • setProcessType

      public void setProcessType(Element element, @CheckForNull BPMN2Profile.ProcessTypeEnum value)
    • clearProcessType

      public void clearProcessType(Element element)
    • getProcessType

      @CheckForNull public BPMN2Profile.ProcessTypeEnum getProcessType(Element element)
    • setResources

      public void setResources(Element element, @CheckForNull Collection<? extends Element> value)
    • clearResources

      public void clearResources(Element element)
    • addResources

      public void addResources(Element element, Element value)
    • removeResources

      public void removeResources(Element element, Element value)
    • getResources

      public List<Element> getResources(Element element)
    • setState

      public void setState(Element element, @CheckForNull BPMN2Profile.ProcessStateEnum value)
    • clearState

      public void clearState(Element element)
    • getState

      @CheckForNull public BPMN2Profile.ProcessStateEnum getState(Element element)
    • setSupports

      public void setSupports(Element element, @CheckForNull Collection<? extends Element> value)
    • clearSupports

      public void clearSupports(Element element)
    • addSupports

      public void addSupports(Element element, Element value)
    • removeSupports

      public void removeSupports(Element element, Element value)
    • getSupports

      public List<Element> getSupports(Element element)
    • setIoSpecification

      public void setIoSpecification(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearIoSpecification

      public void clearIoSpecification(Element element)
    • getIoSpecification

      @CheckForNull public Element getIoSpecification(Element element)
    • setSupportedInterfacesRefs

      public void setSupportedInterfacesRefs(Element element, @CheckForNull Collection<? extends Element> value)
    • clearSupportedInterfacesRefs

      public void clearSupportedInterfacesRefs(Element element)
    • addSupportedInterfacesRefs

      public void addSupportedInterfacesRefs(Element element, Element value)
    • removeSupportedInterfacesRefs

      public void removeSupportedInterfacesRefs(Element element, Element value)
    • getSupportedInterfacesRefs

      public List<Element> getSupportedInterfacesRefs(Element element)
    • setId

      public void setId(Element element, @CheckForNull String value)
    • clearId

      public void clearId(Element element)
    • getId

      @CheckForNull public String getId(Element element)
    • clear

      protected void clear()
    • is

      public boolean is(@CheckForNull Element element)
    • isInstance

      public static boolean isInstance(@CheckForNull Element element)