Enum Class BPMN2Profile.ProcessTypeEnum

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<BPMN2Profile.ProcessTypeEnum>, Constable
Enclosing class:

public static enum BPMN2Profile.ProcessTypeEnum extends Enum<BPMN2Profile.ProcessTypeEnum>
Private Business Processes are those internal to a specific organization. These Processes have been generally called workflow or BPM Processes. Another synonym typically used in the Web services area is the Orchestration of services. There are two (2) types of private Processes: executable and non-executable. - An executable Process is a Process that has been modeled for the purpose of being executed. Of course, during the development cycle of the Process, there will be stages where the Process does not have enough detail to be executable. - A non-executable Process is a private Process that has been modeled for the purpose of documenting Process behavior at a modeler-defined level of detail. Thus, information required for execution, such as formal condition expressions are typically not included in a non-executable Process. If a swimlanes-like notation is used (e.g., a Collaboration, see below) then a private Business Process will be contained within a single Pool. The Process flow is therefore contained within the Pool and cannot cross the boundaries of the Pool. The flow of Messages can cross the Pool boundary to show the interactions that exist between separate private Business Processes. A public Process represents the interactions between a private Business Process and another Process or Participant). Only those Activities that are used to communicate to the other Participant(s), plus the order of these Activities, are included in the public Process. All other internal Activities of the private Business Process are not shown in the public Process. Thus, the public Process shows to the outside world the Messages, and the order of these Messages, that are required to interact with that Business Process. Public Processes can be modeled separately or within a Collaboration to show the flow of Messages between the public Process Activities and other Participants. Note that the public type of Process was named abstract in BPMN 1.2.