Interface SymbolDifference

All Superinterfaces:
Difference, DifferenceLocation
All Known Subinterfaces:
MultiplePersistentPropertyDifference<T>, PersistentPropertyOrderDifference<T>, SymbolAddition, SymbolDeletion, SymbolPersistentPropertyDifference<T>

@OpenApiAll public interface SymbolDifference extends Difference, DifferenceLocation
Difference for symbol. Difference is found only for persistent symbols.
  • Method Details

    • getSymbolID

      String getSymbolID()
      Changed symbol id.
      symbol id.
    • getDiagramID

      String getDiagramID()
      Diagram which owns this symbol id.
      Diagram which owns this symbol id.
    • getProjectID

      @CheckForNull String getProjectID()
      Project part, to which symbol belongs, project id
      Project part, to which symbol belongs, project id