Interface DifferenceLocation

All Known Subinterfaces:
ElementAddition, ElementDeletion, ElementDifference, ElementModification, MDExtensionDifference, MDExtensionExistenceDifference, MDExtensionModificationDifference, Modification, ModuleUsageDifference, MultiplePersistentPropertyDifference<T>, PersistentPropertyOrderDifference<T>, StereotypeModification, SymbolAddition, SymbolDeletion, SymbolDifference, SymbolPersistentPropertyDifference<T>, TagValueModification

@OpenApiAll public interface DifferenceLocation
This kind of difference may detected in the main project as well in module (attached project)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return the URI of containing module.
  • Method Details

    • getModuleURI

      @CheckForNull org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI getModuleURI()
      Return the URI of containing module.
      module URI if element is owned by module, null - element is owned directly by project.