Interface ElementAddition

All Superinterfaces:
Difference, DifferenceLocation, ElementDifference

@OpenApiAll public interface ElementAddition extends ElementDifference
Difference when new element is created in contributor project. Together with ElementAddition there must be found more differences to fill up created element with data.
  • Method Details

    • getElementType

      Class<? extends Element> getElementType()
      Returns created element type.
      created element type.
    • getLocalID

      @CheckForNull String getLocalID()
    • isModelRoot

      boolean isModelRoot()
    • getContributorVersion

      long getContributorVersion()
    • getESIElementID

      UUID getESIElementID()
    • isNew

      boolean isNew()
      Checks if added element is persisted into the project.
      true when added element is not persisted into the project.
    • getAppliedStereotypes

      Collection<String> getAppliedStereotypes()
      applied stereotype ids