Class SysMLProfile.BoundReferenceStereotype

Enclosing class:

public static class SysMLProfile.BoundReferenceStereotype extends ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
  • Field Details


      public static final String STEREOTYPE_NAME
      See Also:

      public static final String BINDINGPATH
      Gives the propertyPath of the NestedConnectorEnd applied, if any, to the boundEnd, appended to the role of the boundEnd.
      See Also:

      public static final String BOUNDEND
      Gives a connector end of a binding connector opposite to the end linked to the stereotyped property, or linked to a property that generalizes the stereotyped one through redefinition.
      See Also:
    • LOWER

      public static final String LOWER
      Gives the minimum number of values of the property at the end of the related bindingPath, for each object reached by navigation along the bindingPath from an instance of the block owning the property to which EndPathMultiplicity is applied
      See Also:
    • UPPER

      public static final String UPPER
      Gives the maximum number of values of the property at the end of the related bindingPath, for each object reached by navigation along the bindingPath from an instance of the block owning the property to which EndPathMultiplicity is applied.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BoundReferenceStereotype

      protected BoundReferenceStereotype(SysMLProfile profile)
  • Method Details

    • getStereotype

      public Stereotype getStereotype()
      Description copied from class: ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
      Returns stereotype for this wrapper.
      Specified by:
      getStereotype in class ProfileImplementation.StereotypeWrapper
    • getBindingPathProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getBindingPathProperty()
    • getBoundEndProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getBoundEndProperty()
    • getLowerProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getLowerProperty()
    • getUpperProperty

      @CheckForNull public Property getUpperProperty()
    • setBindingPath

      public void setBindingPath(Element element, @CheckForNull Collection<? extends Element> value)
    • clearBindingPath

      public void clearBindingPath(Element element)
    • addBindingPath

      public void addBindingPath(Element element, Element value)
    • removeBindingPath

      public void removeBindingPath(Element element, Element value)
    • getBindingPath

      public List<Element> getBindingPath(Element element)
    • setBoundEnd

      public void setBoundEnd(Element element, @CheckForNull Element value)
    • clearBoundEnd

      public void clearBoundEnd(Element element)
    • getBoundEnd

      @CheckForNull public Element getBoundEnd(Element element)
    • setLower

      public void setLower(Element element, @CheckForNull Integer value)
    • clearLower

      public void clearLower(Element element)
    • getLower

      @CheckForNull public Integer getLower(Element element)
    • setUpper

      public void setUpper(Element element, @CheckForNull Integer value)
    • clearUpper

      public void clearUpper(Element element)
    • getUpper

      @CheckForNull public Integer getUpper(Element element)
    • clear

      protected void clear()
    • is

      public boolean is(@CheckForNull Element element)
    • isInstance

      public static boolean isInstance(@CheckForNull Element element)