Package com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
package com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
ClassDescriptionp {padding:0px; margin:0px;}Some useful constants for SysML domain (stereotypes' names,tags' names and etc).The ControlValue enumeration is a type for treating control values as data and for UML control pins.FlowDirection is an enumeration type that defines literals used for specifying input and output directions.1) High indicates an unacceptable level of risk, 2) Medium indicates an acceptable level of risk, and 3) Low indicates a minimal level of risk or no riskType of a return parameter of a TestCase must be VerdictKind, consistent with the UML Testing Profile.1) Analysis indicates that verification will be performed by technical evaluation using mathematical representations, charts, graphs, circuit diagrams, data reduction, or representative data.SysML Utilities classSysML utilities.DirectedFeature enumerationFlow Direction enumeration